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Senators agree on helping family pets.

May 2, 2005
By: Jade Mingus
State Capital Bureau

Legislators argue over numerous issues, but one thing they can agree on is help for Fido.

Jade Mingus has more from Jefferson City.

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Despite bipartisan support, legislators couldn't get it together to save the animals.

Both Republican Senator John Loudon of St. Louis County and Democrat Senator Victor Callahan of Independence backed animal bills that didn't go anywhere during this legislative session.

Loudon's bill would have required those who sell animals for research to post a picture on the internet for 30 days.

Loudon said he backed the bill to protect family pets.


"My bill says hey, if you don't know the source give the owners a chance to get their dog back. Post their picture on the internet, it sounded like a logical way to do it."

Loudon says he will push the bill next legislative session. From the state Capitol, I'm Jade Mingus.


Legislators passed several controversial bills this past session, but one issue they did not deal with was pets.

Jade Mingus has more from the state Capitol.

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Senators from both sides proposed pet bills that did not get passed.

St. Louis County Republican Senator John Loudon's animal bill would have forced people to post pictures of animals on the internet for 30 days before they sold them for research.

Democratic Senator Victor Callahan of Independence backed a bill that would give a hundred dollar tax credit to anyone who adopted a dog from an animal shelter.

Contents: "I think a lot of people are concerned about the stray population. So I think this is an effective way of dealing with it rather then the traditional way of having shelters which costs the local government."

Callahan says he will introduce the bill next year.

From the state Capitol, I'm Jade Mingus.