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State Health Officials Met with Homeland Security Panel

November 10, 2005
By: Jade Mingus
State Capital Bureau

Missouri health officials informed the state's homeland security panel about the risk of avian flu outbreak in the state.

OutCue: SOC

State health officials told the panel they were concerned with the possiblity of bird flu.

They said it's hard to accurately predict when the flu will hit the US and Missouri.

The state is taking several measures to fight an outbreak. One of their main focuses is on hospital preparation. They're ensuring hospitals can handle a large amount of patients, making important medicines available, and making portable beds readily availabe.

Health officials also discussed the possiblity of making people stay at home for ten days in an outbreak situation. They think this will prevent outbreaks in high traffic public areas.

Officials say an easy way to prevent bird flu is good hygiene habits like washing your hands.

From the state Capitol, I'm Jade Mingus.