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2005 Agriculture Stories
12/ 5/2005:
Newspaper Story - All Missouri drivers would have corn in their gas tank.
12/ 1/2005:
Newspaper Story - The task force on eminent domain recommended that private property along with farmland be protected from eminent domain.
Radio Story - Cattle theft in southwest Missouri has become so bad cattlemen are banding together and patrolling at night, looking for rustlers. Thieves are stealing more as cattle prices rise.
11/ 3/2005:
Newspaper Story - Protection of farmland against private developers seemed to be a consenus Thursday among members of the Task Force on Eminent Domain.
Newspaper Story - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released a plan that will induce two Missouri River Spring rises.
Radio Story - Missouri's state veterinarian says that since the avian flu has not yet hit US shores, it is not a significant threat to Americans.
Radio Story - The Missouri Agriculture Department is allowing poultry companies to test their birds for avian flu. Other states have mandatory testing.
Radio Story - SEMA has plans in place for a possible outbreak of Avian Flu in Missouri.
Radio Story - The Missouri Department of Agriculture say they are prepared if bird flu comes to the state, coordinating their efforts with Arkansas and Oklahoma
Newspaper Story - Rural democrats annouced a bill that would prohibit the government for taking private property for private development.
Newspaper Story - Two Missouri congressmen heard from top Missouri farm leaders about agriculture crisis.
10/ 4/2005:
Radio Story - Monarch butterflies are passing through Missouri on their way south for the winter. They travel up to two-thousand miles for the migration.
Radio Story - The price offered to farmers for corn and soybeans are below the break even point.
Radio Story - With grain facilities in New Orleans operating at only 70%, Missouri farmers are receiving less money for their crops.
9/ 8/2005:
Radio Story - With barge traffic operating at 10% of normal capacity due to Hurricane Katrina and farm exports from Missouri may have to take alternate routes alternate routes
9/ 6/2005:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Task Force on Eminent Domain, established this summer by Gov. Matt Blunt is studying the practice of eminent domain throughout the state. The task force is studying the use of eminent domain, the law allowing the seizure of private property without the consent of the owner as long as the property will be used for a public purpose and the owner is justly compensated.
Newspaper Story - Personal landscapes have suffered severly from the drought this year.
Radio Story - The bill would allow harsher penalties for trespassers in animal facilities.
3/ 8/2005:
Radio Story - In an effort to squeeze more money from the Missouri government, Governor Matt Blunt has formed a commission to reduce state bureaucracy. Blunt has asked a group of Missouri business leaders, citizens, former state employees and the Lieutenant Governor to review how state agencies are organized. Blunt says the commission could recommend cutting state services, consolidating agencies, and eliminating positions.
3/ 2/2005:
Newspaper Story - Farmers and rural citizens came to the capitol today to protest house bill 376 and senate bill 187.
3/ 2/2005:
Radio Story - Livingston County farmers rallied against a bill that would eliminate local authority over health ordinances.
2/ 2/2005:
Radio Story - Mexico Senator John Cauthorn is backing a bill that would take the power to regulate confined animal feed organizations.
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