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2004 Liberities Stories
Radio Story - Daniel Shipley brought his lawsuit aimed at reclaiming tax dollars from Planned Parenthood to Cole County Circuit Court on Monday.
Radio Story - Missourians cast 8,183 provisional ballots on November 2nd, but only 3,292 could be verified. Secretary of State and governer-elect Matt Blunt is scheduled to certify the official election results on Wednesday.
Newspaper Story - Higher education officials point to a tighter visa regulations as one of the reasons for the foreign student population decline in Missouri schools
Newspaper Story - Democratic Chairman Roger Wilson will meet with some of Missouri's top Democratic leaders to discuss the future of the party.
Radio Story - Record haul during opening weekend of deer season attributed to warm weather
Newspaper Story - The state filed for a motion to postpone any further action on a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Missouri's school funding formula.
Radio Story - Mid-Missouri Counties Report Record Numbers of Absentee Ballots
Newspaper Story - Mubarak Hamed, an economist for the Department of Natural Resources is the executive director of an Columbia-based charity organization that was raided by the FBI.
Radio Story - Mubarak Hamed is listed as the Executive Director of the Islamic American Relief Agency, which is under federal investigation. He's also an economist for the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
Newspaper Story - Trends show rural Democrats are losing votes and possibly Senatorial seats to Republicans due to the GAG issues, Guns, Abortion, and Gay Marriage.
Newspaper Story - The state auditor calls a news conference on her audit that found state government was failing to protect confidential information on surplused computers.
Radio Story - State Auditor Claire McCaskill's office found state offices redistribution surplus computers to the public were not properly erasing data. The office retrieved Social Security numbers, bank records, and medical data from the computers.
Newspaper Story - Computers with sensitve information on them set to be donated were not properly cleared, according to State Auditor's Office
9/ 2/2004:
Radio Story - Top gay leaders announced they are not giving up their fight for rights on the same day a state constitutional ban on gay marriage took effect.
9/ 2/2004:
Radio Story - Govenor Holden will replace conservative supreme court justice Duane Benton.
Radio Story - 16 National Guardmen from Mid-Missouri are heading to Afghanistan. While the specifics of the mission are unknow, the National Guard says these men will be training the Afghan National Army.
6/ 8/2004:
Radio Story - Circuit Judge Thomas Brown delayed the hearing on the state's gun control law because Attorney General Jay Nixon asked him to dismiss the suit altogether.
6/ 3/2004:
Radio Story - The state's Supreme Court held that the Secretary of State has the dut to place the proposed amendment to ban gay marriage on the August 3, 2004, ballot.
6/ 1/2004:
Radio Story - The state constitution automatically places proposed amendments on the November ballot, unless the governor sets a special election earlier. The Secretary of State feels election officials won't have enough time to prepare the ballot for an August election.
Newspaper Story - Gay marriages, child abuse and the lieutenant governor dominated the last day of the Missouri legislature's 2004 regular session.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Holden received a stripped down version of his "Jobs Now" initiative Thursday afternoon after the measure was approved unanimously by the General Assembly.
Radio Story - Jobs Now was meant to create new jobs in Missouri by targeting industries able to offer high-wage jobs in the future. The governor's package was stalled in the Senate because of a long list of amendments.
5/ 6/2004:
Radio Story - The legislature sent the governor a bill that bans billboards from Missouri highways that advertise adult businesses.
Radio Story - A new bill being pushed through the Senate would require water companies to give warning before turning off services for late sewer bills.
Radio Story - Missourians over 21 would no longer have to wear a motorcycle helmet under bill passed by the House.
Radio Story - The House voted to require only riders under the age of 21 to wear a helmet.
Radio Story - A bill being pushed through the Senate grants immunity to small towns of deaths or injuries from local fairs and festivals.
Radio Story - House passes bill that would make it more difficult for minors to get an abortion
Radio Story - The House voted to let parents sue anyone who helps their underage daughter get an abortion if the parents didn't give their consent.
Radio Story - House gives final approval to a proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriages
Radio Story - For many, the hassle of getting a drivers' license ends after waiting in line at the DMC. However, for some, the issue could turn into a conflict between public safety and freedom of religion.
Radio Story - Warren County Rep. Mike Sutherland is sponsoring a bill to make large carnivore breeding illegal. Currently there are not laws regulating this.
Radio Story - Governor Bob Holden addresed a crowd of more than six hundred disabled Missourians fighting for more money and equal rights.
Radio Story - The bill, sponsored by Represenatative Larry Crawford would give counties the power to use fees for permits towards related expenses. It comes as the Missouri Supreme Court rules the current law's funding violates the Hancock Amendment in the state Constitution.
Radio Story - The bill would ban human cloning research.
4/ 7/2004:
Radio Story - The issue of restricting the definition of marriage to a man and a woman is one of the most hotly debated issues in the Missouri lesgislature this session.
4/ 6/2004:
Radio Story - The bill passed in the senate allows police to pull drivers over for simply not wearing a seat belt. It also increases the fine from 10 dollars to 15 dollars.
Newspaper Story - Gay rights suffered two blows in the Missouri House Wednesday.
Radio Story - The House gave first round approval to a constitutional amendment that would forbid same sex marriages.
Radio Story - Senate committee heard bill to ban lawsuits blaming food companies for customer's obesity.
Radio Story - The Senate Pensions and General Law committee heard a bill that would stop customers from suing restaurants, blaming the restaurants for their obesity.
Radio Story - Lawmakers fear cell phones make vote buying easier. The bill would allow voters to use their cell phones at the polling place, but not after receiving a ballot.
Radio Story - The legislation would further limit where Missourians can carry a concealed weapon.
Radio Story - The bill would further limit where Missourians can carry a conclealed weapon.
Radio Story - Cross burning would be punishable by jailtime under a bill that would prohibit cross burning with intent to intimidate someone.
Newspaper Story - U.S. Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) spoke out Monday to bolster support for a state constitutional amendment banning gay marriage in Missouri.
3/ 8/2004:
Radio Story - Three bills to change the death penalty come before the judiciary committee. One would eliminate the death penalty altogether. Another would give juries sole power to decide on capitol punishment, and the other would stop executions until a commission studied the fairness of the death penalty. The bills need committee approval before they can move to the senate floor for debate.
3/ 4/2004:
Radio Story - A bill passed by the Senate Thursday prohibits sexually-oriented billboards within one mile of the highway. Businesses within one mile of the highway are only allowed two exterior signs.
3/ 3/2004:
Newspaper Story - Over 200 gay rights activists crowded the Capitol Wednesday to speak out against legislation affecting the gay community.
3/ 3/2004:
Radio Story - About 200 people came to the capitol to rally against a proposed constitutional ban on same sex marriage.
3/ 3/2004:
Radio Story - Lawmakers say that there's a need to more narrowly restrict the definition of marriage. Gay rights supporters say Missourians say the House and Senate have better things to do with their time than restricting marriage.
3/ 3/2004:
Radio Story - More than 200 people showed up today as part of PROMO's annual rally in support of gay rights.
3/ 1/2004:
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate voted to recognize marriage solely between a man and a woman, but that might face a challenge. A mandate in the U.S. Constitution requires that states recognize marriages from other states including gay marriage.
Newspaper Story - Columbia legislators voiced disappointment over the state Supreme Court's ruling Thursday that would allow Missourians to carry concealed weapons.
Radio Story - The Missouri Supreme Court overturned the St. Louis Circuit Court decision, making it legal to carry a concealed weapon.
Newspaper Story - Any public governmental meeting conducted through electronic communication--conference call, video conference, internet chat or internet message board--would now have to be made accessible to the public under a new bill proposed by Rep. Jeff Harris, D-Columbia.
Radio Story - The senate granted preliminary approval to a bill that bans advertising for adult businesses within one mile of state highways.
Radio Story - The senate give preliminary approval to a bill banning adertising for adult businesses within one mile of state highways.
Newspaper Story - State lawmakers are a step closer to taking sex off Missouri's roadsides. A Senate ban on adult billboards cleared for final passage Wednesday.
Radio Story - The Senate gave preliminary passage of a constitutional ban on gay marraige.
Newspaper Story - Same-sex couples cannot file joint tax returns in Missouri, according to the Department of Revenue. The Internal Revenue Service only allows same-sex couples to file jointly if the state where they live recognizes gay marriages.
Radio Story - Sen. Maida Coleman, a democrat from St. Louis City, may have personal reasons for sponsoring a bill expanding the definition of identity theft after her son becomes a victim of the crime.
Radio Story - A new bill redefining Identity theft excludes some crimes many may consider to still be identity theft.
Newspaper Story - U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft returned to the state capital for the first time since he joined the Bush administration.
Radio Story - A Missouri Senate committee was urged to block lawsuits blaming food makers for making one fat.
Radio Story - Lawmakers presented a bill that would eliminate sexual billboards from the highway.
Radio Story - Abortion rights advocates unveil a legislative "Wall of Shame."
2/ 9/2004:
Radio Story - Special interim committee to propose plans for implementing early voting law.
2/ 9/2004:
Newspaper Story - Mobile home residents lobby legislators on two bills they say will give them more rights. Park owners and realtors oppose one of the bills, while all agree that landlords should give more notice if a park is closing.
2/ 4/2004:
Radio Story - State legislators reacted this week to the Massachusetts supreme Court ruling on gay marriage.
2/ 4/2004:
Newspaper Story - Massachusetts high court's ruling Wednesday reaffirming same-sex couples' right to marry has has fired up debate among Missouri's lawmakers.
2/ 4/2004:
Radio Story - Missouri legislators reacted this week to the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage.
2/ 4/2004:
Newspaper Story - All convicted felons in Missouri would have DNA tests on file under a proposal discussed in the Missouri Senate Wednesday. The bill would also compensate individuals cleared of a crime because of DNA evidence and released from prison.
2/ 3/2004:
Radio Story - State rep. Larry Crawford, California, sponsors transportation bill to restrict veils on license photos.
2/ 2/2004:
Newspaper Story - The University of Missouri's new policy prohibiting sexual-orientation discrimination would be effectively outlawed under a measure before Missouri's legislature.
Newspaper Story - Partisan rancor marked Gov. Bob Holden's State of the State Address Wednesday, as his education, job, and revenue plans all fell under heavy assualt from Republican leadership. The program he announced was essentially the same as the program he put forth last year, with a continued emphasis on a tax increase to help fund Missouri's public schools.
Newspaper Story - Identity theft penalties would be increased from six months in jail to a possible class A felony under a bill initially approved by the House.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's first black Supreme Court Chief Justice called for increased diversity during the State of the Judiciary address.
Newspaper Story - The House Rules Committee sent to the full House a resolution to block the governor's order to let unions take fees from non-union state government workers.
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