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2003 Social Services Stories
12/ 9/2003:
Radio Story - State Auditor Claire McCaskill calls the Missouri foster case database shocking. The state also ranks in the bottom third in the nation for reimbursing foster parents.
12/ 8/2003:
Newspaper Story - State senators have prefiled two bills that will retread foster care issues that were vetoed by the Governor last session.
Radio Story - State Senator Jim Mathewson, D-Sedalia, has announced a plan to give the state power to regulate medical malpractice insurance rates.
Newspaper Story - Leading Missouri Republicans have criticized a proposal that would require increases in sales tax rates when state revenue falls below a prescribed level. The measure, turned into the Secretary of State's office by a group of lobbyists, ignores needed reforms and simply seeks new sources of tax revenue, Senate Majority Leader Mike Gibbons said.
Newspaper Story - A women's advocacy group charged Tuesday that state budget cuts are responsible for the decline in the health and welfare of Missouri women.
11/ 7/2003:
Twenty-one percent of Missouri's homeless youth do not attend school.
11/ 7/2003:
Newspaper Story - Twenty-one percent of Missouri's homeless youth do not attend school.
Radio Story - The independent blue ribbon panel says the state doesn't have the money to pay for needed improvments any other way.
Newspaper Story - Missouri Social Services Department and regional Community Actions Agencies will work together to help low income households pay their energy bill during the winter. The funds come through the national Low Income Home Energy Assitance Program.
Radio Story - The Public Service Commission is seeking public comment on a proposal by AmerenUE to raise rates by more than $26 million.
Radio Story - U.S. Census Bureau reports more Missourians are without health insurance. Some parents are struggling to provide insurance for their children. A Missouri managed care program, MC+ for Kids is trying to help.
10/ 7/2003:
Radio Story - MoDOT is delaying the release of a report that faults the department's leadership.
10/ 1/2003:
Newspaper Story - Two Missouri legislators who support the concealed weapons law will not try to keep municipalities from prohibiting guns from busses and other forms of public transit. Rep. Larry Crawford, R-Centertown, and Speaker Pro Tem Rod Jetton, R-Marble Hill, said it is the right of local governments to disallow concealed weapons on public transportation and in city buildings. They did predict that city restrictions will eventually be relaxed.
10/ 1/2003:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Departments of Mental Health and Social Services are trying out pilot programs to help parents avoid relinquishing custody of their child to the state for mental health treatment.
Radio Story - The Missouri Attorney General is reviewing a court injunction that is ordering the state to reissue dental and eyeglass care to Medicaid patients.
Radio Story - Illinois and California are trying to import drugs from Canada for state employees and Medicade recipients
6/ 3/2003:
Radio Story - Republican lawmakers say hours of testimony from social services advocates and public school officials have not made them more supportive of higher taxes.
Radio Story - Hanaway says Holden is launching a "campaign of terror" to scare people into voting for tax increases.
Newspaper Story - The Senate passed a House bill Monday that would require the state to privatize at least 50 percent of its foster care system by 2006.
5/ 9/2003:
Newspaper Story - Republicans say safety net intact, despite cuts to Medicaid, disabled
5/ 8/2003:
Newspaper Story - Carletta Connor has been a TANF recipient for four years, but in July, she'll be cut off welfare. That's because her five year time-limit for welfare will expire.
5/ 8/2003:
Newspaper Story - Missouri law provides stronger oversight of farm animals and pets than children housed in some child-care residential centers.
5/ 7/2003:
Newspaper Story - Education cuts would be minimized but the Department of Social Services would suffer cuts in the budget passed out of conference committee today. The plan requires $150 million in additional revenue to be in balance.
Newspaper Story - Several years after the legislature first took up nursing home reform, a bill that would increase fines on nursing homes with violations while relaxing inspections on those with good records is on its way to the governor's desk.
Radio Story - Missouri's House has passed tougher fines and investigations for problem nursing homes--but without a provision that carried an $80 million fiscal note.
Newspaper Story - The Senate passed a bill that would make Medicaid services available only if money is appropriated.
Radio Story - Lawmakers seek another way to address state budget crisis.
Radio Story - Six years ago, the nation's welfare system fundamentally changed. What are the effects in Missouri six years later?
Newspaper Story - Education takes the brunt of budget cuts as passed Thursday by the Senate Appropriations Committee. The committee recommended slicing a combined $361 million from education to help solve the state's 2004 budget woes.
Newspaper Story - House passes Speaker Hanaway's foster care bill
Newspaper Story - Steve Roling, the new director of the Department of Social Services, brings a diversified background to the job as Missouri's top welfare official.
Radio Story - Nursing home employees who are abusive could be fined up to ten thousand dollars
Radio Story - The bill aims to protect the elderly and punish those abusive towards them
Radio Story - Nursing home employees caught abusing elderly could be fined and penalized.
4/ 9/2003:
Newspaper Story - A bill that would make it easier to fire Division of Family Services workers who don't follow department policy was given preliminary approval by the House.
4/ 4/2003:
Radio Story - The House passed a bill on to the Senate that would give tax breaks on generic drugs and property assessment increases to senior citizens.
4/ 4/2003:
Radio Story - The House passed a bill on to the Senate that would give tax breaks on generic drugs and property assessment increases to senior citizens.
4/ 4/2003:
Radio Story - The House passed a bill to give tax breaks to senior citizens on property and home assessments.
Newspaper Story - The Supreme Court Commission on Children's Justice released a draft report Monday, which included recommendations for higher salaries and lower case loads for DFS workers. The recommendations came from each of the four committee work groups.
Newspaper Story - Legislature restored General Relief funding last week. However, Gov. Holden is planning to eliminate all funding for the program in the 2004 fiscal year.
Newspaper Story - A House appropriations committee voted to eliminate the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which provides coverage to about 80,000 Missouri children.
Newspaper Story - The Commission on Children's Justice is searching for solutions to the juvenile justice system problems by forming small working groups. The commission's preliminary findings will be published in a report due out by March 28.
Newspaper Story - February 28 is the last day for seniors to apply for SenioRx drug prescription program.
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