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October 2002 Stories
Newspaper Story - Just a few days before the election, no one seems to know when the winner of Missouri's U.S. Senate race will be certified.
Radio Story - Matt Blunt's office is investigating allegations that banks are charging to notarize absentee ballots, a violation of state law.
Radio Story - Blunt says he wants to eliminate voter fraud after the chaos of Election Day 2000, which he says put Missouri second to only Florida in terms of polling problems.
Radio Story - Missouri is joining the U.S. department of justice in a federal lawsuit to stop the merging of two national direct broadcast satellite providers, EchoStar and Hughes
Radio Story - Republicans say Holden should work quickly to respond to what voters want if Talent wins U.S. Senate race.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's four million registered voters will decide whether to give 350,000 St. Louisans Home Rule.
Newspaper Story - A proposal to develop a "no-spam" list faces major hurdles before the flood of junk e-mail can be stemmed
Newspaper Story - A proposed hike in Missouri's tobacco tax would net at least $20 million for several of Columbia's largest employers
News summary for the week of October 21, 2002
Newspaper Story - A summary of the issues behind the six ballot questions voters will decide in November
Radio Story - The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education recieved a $1.5 million grant to expand the new teacher training institute
Newspaper Story - Missouri's legislature could raise the state's gas tax -- this time without voter approval -- to help finance bond debt, suggested one Highways Commission member in a special meeting Thursday.
Newspaper Story - Republicans and Democrats both expect to win this fall's elections.
Newspaper Story - Provisional-voting lawsuit settled.
Radio Story - 11 St. Louis area schools make the Department of Education's Concerned Schools List, including one school Governor Holden once referred to as a model of improvement.
Newspaper Story - One of the least publicized issues on the November ballot hands Missouri voters the opportunity to start the process for redefining the very structure of Missouri government and the rights of its citizens. It is the question of whether Missouri should hold a constitutional convention -- a question some call "dangerous."
Newspaper Story - Attorney General Jay Nixon will back legislation to create a no-spam list similar to the state's no-call list.
Radio Story - Nixon announces plans for "no spam" legislation in 2003. The new law would make it illegal for companies to solicit consumers on the "no spam" list.
News summary for the week of October 14, 2002
Newspaper Story - Profile of Al Hanson, Republican candidate for state auditor.
Newspaper Story - Profile of state Auditor Claire McCaskill.
Radio Story - Claire McCaskill says her Repulican opponent's emphasis on his financial background may indicate he's confused about the role of state auditor.
Newspaper Story - State Auditor Claire McCaskill has about $470,000 available in campaign funds.
Newspaper Story - All of Missouri to decide on Home Rule for St. Louis
Radio Story - Health officials unveil a new information system to prepare for future attacks and disasters.
Radio Story - Hanson says he thinks he will win the election for state auditor given his experience as a businessman.
Al Hanson says that with his financial background, he would be better suited to be state auditor than Claire McCaskill.
News summary for the week of October 7, 2002
10/ 8/2002:
Newspaper Story - Communication topped the list of priorities at the first meeting of the Missouri Security Council.
10/ 6/2002:
Radio Story - A new policy doesn't let inmates receive stamps from outside.
10/ 4/2002:
News summary for the week of September 30, 2002
10/ 4/2002:
Newspaper Story - The proposed 55 cent per pack hike in the cigarette tax could generate a third of a billion in new revenue, but most would be earmarked for new spending.
10/ 3/2002:
Radio Story - The Governor's Mansion will be lit pink for Breast Cancer Awareness month.
10/ 3/2002:
Radio Story - The Governor's Mansion was lit pink as part of a campaign to raise breast cancer awareness.
10/ 1/2002:
Newspaper Story - The State Transportation Commission will consider a proposal to revamp the transportation planning process when the commission meets in St. Louis Thursday and Friday. The Transportation Department proposal, which has been in the works for several months, focuses on strengthening the role of regional commissions in the planning process. MoDOT spokesman Jeff Briggs said the plan emphasizes existing roads and local participation.
10/ 1/2002:
Radio Story - New Medicaid rules cost state $3.5 million this fiscal year.
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