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2002 House Roll Calls
SB 1281 (05/09/2002): 3rd reading of the bill to authorize use of $120 million from the Emergency Reserve Fund to help balance the current fiscal year's budget. Required a 2/3rds majority.
HS SCS SB712 (05/09/2002): 3rd reading of a bill to expand government powers to handle bioterrorism and medical emergencies.
HS SS SB 970 (05/08/2002): 3rd reading of legislation to submit to Missouri voters a gasoline and sales tax increase for transportation.
HSA 1 HA 7 HS HB 970 (05/07/2002): An amendment to the transportation-funding bill to remove a proposed sales tax increase from the bill.
CCS HB 1711 (05/02/2002): 3rd reading of the final conference version of legislation that effectively lowers the amount of money needed to fully fund the School Foundation Formula by $45 million.
HS SS SB 1248 (05/02/2002): 3rd reading of a House substitute that includes tax hikes on gambling casinos and elimination of tax breaks for businesses.
HCS HB 1777 (05/02/2002): 3rd reading of legislation to prohibit price gouging during times of market disruptions.
HA 2 Part II HS SB 1220 (04/30/2002): An amendment to a revenue-enhancement bill that woud prohibit the Gaming Commission operating keno games without voter or legislative approval.
HB 1726 (04/30/2002): 3rd reading of legislation to require schools to have written policies against bullying.
HJR 58 (04/25/2002): 3rd reading of a constitutional amendment to lower the minimum age of House members from 24 to 21 and Senate members from 30 to 21 years of age. 82 votes needed for passage.
HS HB 1729 (04/25/2002): 3rd reading of legislation to let private persons carry concealed weapons.
HB 1090 (04/23/2002): Perfection of a bill to regulate and license tanning services.
HCS HB 1502 (04/18/2002): 3rd reading of a bill to restrict use of credit information in determing insurance coverage and price.
HB 1058 (04/18/2002): 3rd reading of a bill to increase the penalty for hate-crime arson including burning churches.
HSA 1 HA 3 HB 1726 (04/17/2002): An amendment to a bill prohibiting bullying in school that would repeal the section of state law that allows spanking in school.
HCS HB 1443 (04/11/2002): 3rd reading of a bill to allow a mother to abandon a new-born infant at a hospital.
HCS HB 1114 (04/9/2002): 3rd reading of legislation to authorize borrowing $53 million from the state's emergency reserve fund. Passage required a two-thirds vote.
HB 1926 (04/9/2002): 3rd reading of legislation to extend the expiration date of the Children's Health Insurance Program from 2002 to 2007.
HS HB 1392 (04/9/2002): 3rd reading of a bill to allow school districts to impose an income tax surcharge for up to three years.
HCS HB 1114 (04/08/2002): Perfection of legislation to authorize borrowing $53 million from the state's emergency reserve fund. Final passage will require a two-thirds vote.
HSA 1 HA 5 HCS HB 1103 (04/03/2002): An amendment to cut $500,000 for the University of Mo. from the higher education appropriations bill in protest to the KOMU-TV news director's order prohibiting students wearing flags.
HB 1412 (04/02/2002): Reconsidered 3rd reading of a previously defeated bill to allow special "Animal Friendly" auto license plates for contributors to the Animal Friendly License Plate Association.
HS HB 1440 (03/21/2002): Require health insurance to include coverage for mental health treatment.
HS HB 1994 (03/21/2002): 3rd reading of legislation to change the name of Southwest Missouri State University to Missouri State University.
HCS HB 1344 (03/20/2002): 3rd reading of legislation to allow concealed weapons in motor vehicles.
HB 1412 (03/19/2002): 3rd reading (requires 82 votes) of a bill to allow special "Animal Friendly" auto license plates for contributors to the Animal Friendly License Plate Association.
HB 1679 (03/19/2002): Perfection of legislation to legalize off-track betting on horse races.
HS HCS HB 1877 (03/13/2002): 3rd reading of legislation to raise the boarding fee and taxes for gambling boats and other provisions to increase state revenues.
HS HB 1877 (03/12/2002): Perfection of legislation to raise the boarding fee and taxes for gambling boats and other provisions to increase state revenues.
HA 2 HS HB 1877 (03/12/2002): An amendment to a bill raising fees on gambling boats that would allocate the extra moneyh to schools on a per pupil basis.
HS HB 1906 (03/07/2002): Third reading of a bill to allow the legislature to appropriate for other purposes unspent money in dedicated revolving funds.
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