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2002 House Roster
Abel, Mark
Baker, Lana Ladd
Ballard, Charles
Barnett, Rex
Barnitz, Frank
Barry, Joan
Bartelsmeyer, Linda
Bartle, Matt
Bearden, Carl
Behnen, Bob
Berkowitz, Sam
Berkstresser, Judy
Black, Lanie
Bland, Craig
Boatright, Matt
Bonner, Dennis
Boucher, Bill
Bowman, John
Boykins, Amber
Bray, Joan
Britt, Phillip
Brooks, Sharon
Burcham, Tom
Burton, Gary
Byrd, Richard
Campbell, Marsha
Carnahan, Russ
Champion, Norma
Cierpiot, Connie
Clayton, Bob
Coleman, Maida
Cooper, Shannon
Copenhaver, Nancy
Crawford, Larry
Crowell, Jason
Crump, Wayne
Cunningham, Jane
Curls, Melba
Daus, Mike
Davis, D.J.
Dempsey, Tom
Dolan, Jon
Enz, Catherine
Fares, Kathlyn
Farnen, Ted
Foley, Jim
Franklin, Richard
Fraser, Barbara
Froelker, James
Gambaro, Derio
Gaskill, Sam
George, Thomas
Graham, Chuck
Gratz, Bill
Green, Tim
Green, Tom
Griesheimer, John
Hagan-Harrell, Mary
Hampton, Mark
Hanaway, Catherine
Harding, Meg
Harlan, Tim
Hartzler, Ed
Haywood, Esther
Hegeman, Dan
Henderson, Steve
Hendrickson, Carl
Hickey, John
Hilgemann, Robert
Hohulin, Bubs
Holand, Roy
Hollingsworth, Katherine
Holt, Bruce
Hoppe, Thomas
Hosmer, Craig
Hunter, Steve
Jetton, Rod
Johnson, Connie
Johnson, Rick
Jolly, Cathy
Jones, Robin
Kelley, Pat
Kelly, Gary
Kelly, Glenda
Kelly, Van
King, Jerry
Koller, Don
Kreider, Jim
Lawson, Maurice
Legan, Kenneth
Liese, Chris
Linton, Bill
Lograsso, Don
Long, Beth
Lowe, Jenee'
Luetkemeyer, Blaine
Luetkenhaus, Bill
Marble, Gary
Marsh, B.J.
May, Bob
Mayer, Robert
Mays, Carol Jean
McKenna, Ryan
Merideth, Denny
Miller, Ronnie
Monaco, Ralph
Moore, Danielle
Murphy, Jim
Myers, Peter
Naeger, Pat
Nordwald, Charles
O'Connor, Pat
O'Toole, Jim
Ostmann, Cindy
Overschmidt, Francis
Paone, Toby
Phillips, Susan
Portwood, Charles
Purgason, Chuck
Quinn, John
Ransdall, Bill
Rector, Rex
Reid, Mike
Reinhart, Annie
Relford, Randall
Reynolds, David
Richardson, Mark
Ridgeway, Luann
Rizzo, Henry
Roark, Bradley
Robirds, Estel
Ross, Carson
Scheve, May
Schwab, David
Scott, Delbert
Secrest, Pat
Seigfreid, James
Selby, Harold
Shelton, O.L.
Shields, Charlie
Shoemaker, Chris
Shoemyer, Wes
Skaggs, Bill
Smith, Phil
St. Onge, Neal
Surface, Chuck
Thompson, Betty
Townley, Merrill
Treadway, Joe
Troupe, Quincy
Vacant, Vacant
Van Zandt, Tim
Villa, Tom
Vogel, Carl
Wagner, Wes
Walker, Anthony
Walton, Juanita
Ward, Dan
Whorton, Jim
Williams, Deleta
Willoughby, Philip
Wilson, Vicky Riback
Wilson, Yvonne
Wright, Mark
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