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2002 Revenue Stories
Newspaper Story - More layoffs are likely as state expects another $1 billion deficit.
Newspaper Story - More layoffs are likely as the state braces for another $1 billion deficit.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's economy -- already lagging behind other states -- will continue to plunge into the forseeable future, state officials said Wednesday.
Radio Story - Missouri stands to lose $1 billion from the federal government.
12/ 9/2002:
Newspaper Story - Counties to sue state over budget cuts for prisons and tax assessors
12/ 5/2002:
Radio Story - The state says it will pick up the $12 million cost of a new Highway 40 onramp as part of the St. Louis stadium project.
12/ 3/2002:
Radio Story - Senator Gibbons says the tax system's only purpose is to generate money needed to fund essential government functions.
12/ 3/2002:
Newspaper Story - One Missouri legislator wants to do away with state income tax as we know it. Incoming Senate majority leader Mike Gibbons, R-St. Louis County, has filed a bill that would replace the progressive state income tax system with a single-rate tax.
12/ 2/2002:
Newspaper Story - Constitutional limits on tax increases mean big cuts in state government lie ahead
Newspaper Story - Missouri's transportation revenue efforts are stalled on the road. Since voters' resounding August defeat of a fuel tax increase, no feasible ideas have surfaced. What's next?
Newspaper Story - Gov. Bob Holden is seeking input on his "fair share budget plan," which could result in higher taxes for some Missouri businesses.
Newspaper Story - Following the release of a report on the status of women in Missouri, some legislators say progress is needed. But that would require funding, which is hard to come by in the current budget crunch.
Newspaper Story - The state took in $102 million less than anticipated in the first four months of the fiscal year. This could lead to further cuts in higher education.
Newspaper Story - The state Salary Commission recommends hefty raises for elected officials and judges
Radio Story - The St. Louis cardinals are looking into the possibility of relocating to Illinois
Radio Story - Commission will gather to compare notes from public hearings and decide on recommendation for state employee pay raises.
Radio Story - Some State legislators are concerned that the salary increase will cause more cuts within the university
11/ 8/2002:
Newspaper Story - Some proponents of the Proposition A tobacco tax increase said its failure at the polls was thanks to Missouri Right to Life.
11/ 5/2002:
Newspaper Story - A proposition to raise state cigarette taxes by 55 cents a pack was narrowly defeated by Missouri voters.
11/ 1/2002:
Newspaper Story - The Kansas City and St. Louis business groups and the state's hospitals behind the tobacco tax all stand to gain from its passage
Newspaper Story - A proposed hike in Missouri's tobacco tax would net at least $20 million for several of Columbia's largest employers
Newspaper Story - Missouri's legislature could raise the state's gas tax -- this time without voter approval -- to help finance bond debt, suggested one Highways Commission member in a special meeting Thursday.
Radio Story - Claire McCaskill says her Repulican opponent's emphasis on his financial background may indicate he's confused about the role of state auditor.
Al Hanson says that with his financial background, he would be better suited to be state auditor than Claire McCaskill.
10/ 4/2002:
Newspaper Story - The proposed 55 cent per pack hike in the cigarette tax could generate a third of a billion in new revenue, but most would be earmarked for new spending.
10/ 1/2002:
Radio Story - New Medicaid rules cost state $3.5 million this fiscal year.
Radio Story - State transportation audit committee chairman Jim Anderson says he wants to make sure state auditors and internal transportation auditors aren't duplicating efforts.
Newspaper Story - MoDOT will lose $10.4 million due to lax open-container law.
Radio Story - The Central Missouri Food Bank has already exceeded their last year's supply, with their busiest months approaching with the cold weather.
Newspaper Story - Following the resounding defeat of the transportation tax increase, MoDOT director Henry Hungerbeeler is calling on the Missouri legislature to find money for his department. He points to the 6-cent fuel tax revenue, of which MoDOT receives about 38 percent, as an example of diverting funds away from state highways.
Radio Story - Health advocates promote a tobacco tax increase
Newspaper Story - A measure on this November's ballot will strengthen the bargaining power of Missouri firefighters.
Radio Story - Holden has no source for the $31 million he promised UMKC.
Radio Story - Blunt will not appeal judge's ruling which allows cigarette tax proposal on the November ballot
Newspaper Story - A Cole County judge ruled a 55 cent hike in the state's cigarette tax should go on this November's ballot.
Radio Story - A circuit judge has ruled a 324-percent tax increase to appear on the November ballot.
Newspaper Story - A report from state auditor Claire McCaskill charged the Department of Higher Education with billing the state for employee meals costing as much as $60 each.
Radio Story - Holden wants to close corporate tax loopholes.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Bob Holden said Thursday that closing corporate tax "loopholes" will be a priority in planning next year's budget. He also urged state departments not to request funding increases.
Newspaper Story - Disabled Medicaid recipients said changes in the Spenddown program will leave them without funds for basic necessities.
Radio Story - After American Airlines announcement of 1,400 employees, the state of Missouri is trying to help out.
7/ 9/2002:
Radio Story - Missouri is the seventh cheapest state in the country to live in.
Newspaper Story - The legislature agreed to raise taxes enough so that no special session will be needed to balance the budget.
Newspaper Story - the story of education funding has been a tale of two vastly divergent issues, with elementary and secondary school districts walking away with funding increases and higher education institutions the victim of withholdings and budget cuts.
Newspaper Story - House and Senate negotiators agreed to raise more than $100 million in new revenues Tuesday, but still came short of a goal to balance next year's state budget.
Radio Story - Supporters and opponents of the Stadium Bill brought their voices to Jefferson City Monday.
Radio Story - Anti-stadium protestors say they want the Black Caucus to oppose the Stadium Bill.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri legislature passes an operating budget for FY 2003 that all sides agree is out of balance.
5/ 9/2002:
Radio Story - All but 7 Republicans in the House voted against the idea to use rainy day fund money.
5/ 9/2002:
Radio Story - The House Commerce & Economic Development Committee approved the Cardinals bill on an 11 to 8 vote.
5/ 9/2002:
Newspaper Story - House Republicans blocked a push to borrow from the state's "Rainy Day Fund," a move that Gov. Bob Holden said could lead to withholdings from state agencies and furloughs of state employees.
5/ 8/2002:
Newspaper Story - The state spending bill on stadiums and economic development passed another hurdle Thursday when it received a favorable vote from the House Commerce Committee.
5/ 8/2002:
Newspaper Story - House OKs submitting $650 million tax increase to voter approval.
5/ 8/2002:
Radio Story - Governor Holden urged the House Republicans to join the House Democrats, Senate Democrats, and Senate Republicans in approving use of the Rainy Day Fund.
5/ 7/2002:
Newspaper Story - Debate on a tax increase to pay for Missouri roads broke down over the plan's price tag.
5/ 7/2002:
Radio Story - Debate on the transportation bill ended with no vote in the House Tuesday afternoon.
5/ 7/2002:
Newspaper Story - The stadium and economic development bill would spread money to St. Louis, Kansas City, Springfield and Branson.
5/ 7/2002:
Radio Story - Senator Peter Kinder's bill finally gains approval after 20 hours and 3 days of debate.
5/ 7/2002:
Newspaper Story - The Senate passed the $644 million stadium and economic development bill.
5/ 6/2002:
Newspaper Story - The Senate gave preliminary approval to borrowing $120 million from the state's Emergency Reserve Fund to help balance this year's budget.
5/ 6/2002:
Newspaper Story - The Senate approved a change in the school foundation formula that lowers how much money it takes for full funding
5/ 6/2002:
Newspaper Story - Sixty protesters came to the Capitol on Monday voicing opposition to the St. Louis Stadium bill.
5/ 6/2002:
Radio Story - While its a smaller package than originally intended, the foundation formula got final approval from the Missouri Senate. It lowers the initial amount of the bill by 30% but still fully funds the formula.
5/ 2/2002:
Newspaper Story - Preoccupied with a debate stretching late into the night on subsidies for a new baseball stadium in St. Louis, the Senate postponed debate on a plan to tap an emergency fund to balance the state's budget.
5/ 2/2002:
Newspaper Story - Stadiums receive first-round approval from Senate.
5/ 2/2002:
Radio Story - Speaker Kreider and Minority Leader Hanaway are blaming each other for the possibility of a special session on the budget.
5/ 1/2002:
Radio Story - With the close of session looming, the Missouri Senate adjourned early for its annual Senate/staff outing.
5/ 1/2002:
Newspaper Story - The Senate Appropriations Committee approved use of the so-called Rainy Day Fund to make up revenue shortfalls for the current fiscal year.
Newspaper Story - Sen. John Russell, R-Lebanon, said he chose to cancel a scheduled conference committee meeting Tuesday night because House Speaker Jim Kreider refused to appoint negotiators for the bulk of the budget's 12 appropriation bills.
Newspaper Story - The Senate's top budget leaders proposed a plan Tuesday to tap $120 million from the state's Budget Reserve Fund to cover a projected shortfall in tax collections.
Radio Story - The House adopted an amendment that says the gaming commission can't operate keno games.
Newspaper Story - Supporters of the stadium bill fought off killer amendments in the Senate.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Holden is meeting with House and Senate leaders about how to bridge a projected $250 million budget gap, while the Office of Administration denies that a decision has been made to withhold money for Higher Education
Newspaper Story - The bill that provides funding for the St. Louis Cardinals baseball stadium will likely be presented this week on the Senate floor for the first time.
Radio Story - Kinder's bill would allow Savvis Center to recoup sales tax money it generates--but only if an NBA team moves in and the Kiel Opera House is renovated.
Newspaper Story - The budget, a concealed weapons bill and a two transportation plans move ahead. The stadium issue is put on hold until next week.
Newspaper Story - After nearly nine hours of debate and the announcement of $250 million in additional 2002 budget shortfalls, the Senate approved a $18.8 billion budget Thursday night.
Radio Story - Senate Passes Balanced Budget
Newspaper Story - The state's financial picture is worse than expected Gov. Bob Holden announced Thursday, saying he would have to find an extra $250 million on top of earlier withholdings to keep this year's budget out of the red.
Radio Story - The senate gave final approval to a tax increase package that would generate new revenue for road repair and mass transit.
Newspaper Story - The budget which came out of the Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday reserves a total of $568 million for the Corrections Department, only a $3 million difference from the governor's original recommendation.
Newspaper Story - The Senate gave preliminary approval to two bills on the first day of floor debate on the budget. One sells part of the tobacco settlement, the other changes some tax regulations.
Newspaper Story - Some Christian groups are opposed to liberalizing gambling laws.
Newspaper Story - A review of major program funding with four weeks left in the legislative session
Newspaper Story - Senate committee hears a House bill to remove limit on the amount of simulcasts a horse racing track can have
Radio Story - A Senate committee heard a request from Louis Cella, whose family wants to build a track in St. Peters, to pass legislation that would allow unlimited simulcasting at horse race tracks
Newspaper Story - The budget and a transportation plan move ahead. The Senate stadium proposal stays put.
Newspaper Story - Funding for the new Cardinals' stadium is finding little support this year.
Newspaper Story - Mortgaging Missouri's tobacco settlement has emerged as a solution to the state's budget crisis
Newspaper Story - Funding to continue twice daily Amtrak service between St. Louis and Kansas City is still up in the air
Newspaper Story - The Senate Appropriations Committee slashed the K-12 education funding recommendations of both the governor and the House by nearly $150 million Thursday.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate gives first-round approval to a $1/2 billion tax package for transportation.
Newspaper Story - The House's $720,000 message to the University of Missouri fell on deaf ears in the Senate Appropriations Committee Wednesday night.
Radio Story - The House has allotted twenty-five percent of the public broadcasting budget for radio, while the Senate is currently not giving radio any money.
Radio Story - Missouri voters would vote on a $1/2 billion transportation tax package under a measure approved by Missouri's Senate.
Radio Story - A tearful budget plea is made on Missouri's Senate floor.
Newspaper Story - This describes what the legislature did this week and what is expected next week with bills on the budget, transportation and stadiums.
Radio Story - Both the speaker and the Republican leader say the Senate's tobacco borrowing plan is a bad idea.
Radio Story - Republicans stalled a final vote on a transportation tax increase affecting the sales and gasoline taxes.
Radio Story - Republican Senator Morris Westfall's bill could be heard again as early as next week.
Newspaper Story - A proposed increase in the sales and fuel taxes received opposition from Senate Republicans who slowed debate and delayed a vote on Wednesday
4/ 9/2002:
Radio Story - The Cardinals face more restrictions, but the Blues will get more money.
4/ 9/2002:
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers defeated Gov. Bob Holden's proposal to tap into the state's Rainy Day Fund, with the plan falling short of the support it needed to pass the House Tuesday.
4/ 9/2002:
Radio Story - St. Louis City Senators stalled voting on a bill that would change Lambert Airport control from the city to surrounding counties.
4/ 8/2002:
Radio Story - A quick vote spilts almost perfectly along party lines and moves foward legislation to use the state's emergency funds to balance the budget.
4/ 8/2002:
Radio Story - As the Senate review's the budget, the Rainy Day Fund could determine the outcome.
4/ 8/2002:
Newspaper Story - The House gave preliminary approval to use of the rainy day fund but the vote fell short of the 2/3 majority needed for final approval
4/ 8/2002:
Newspaper Story - Several members of the Senate Appropriations Committee agreed the school foundation formula would not be fully funded next year.
4/ 5/2002:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's House Budget Committee reduced the proposed cut to the Mental Health Department from 20 percent to three percent.
4/ 4/2002:
Radio Story - The House decided to hold debate on the controversial Rainy Day Fund proposal until Monday, and work on bills with a Friday deadline instead.
4/ 4/2002:
Newspaper Story - The foundation formula is something that the governor and most lawmakers want to fully fund, but many are not even able to explain.
4/ 4/2002:
Radio Story - Steelman says unless Major League Baseball implements economic reforms, the state shouldn't be giving out money for new stadiums.
4/ 4/2002:
Newspaper Story - House leaders delayed a vote to tap the state's Budget Reserve Fund late Thursday after giving preliminary approval to most of the state's budget.
4/ 3/2002:
Newspaper Story - The Senate amended a bill that establishes sales tax holiday and requires retailers to return sales tax refunds to those paying the tax
4/ 3/2002:
Newspaper Story - The Senate on Wednesday amended a bill that establishes sales tax holiday and requires retailers to return sales tax refunds to those paying the tax.
4/ 3/2002:
Newspaper Story - The House took $15 million from supplemental funds and put them into special education
4/ 3/2002:
Radio Story - The House adopted amendments cutting University funding as a message to the University.
4/ 3/2002:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri House on Wednesday adopted amendments which would reduce the University of Missouri's budget by $720,000 in retaliation against criticized policies.
4/ 2/2002:
Radio Story - The long awaited property tax bill for Missouri finally found its way to the Senate floor Tuesday afternoon.
4/ 2/2002:
Radio Story - The move is a bipartisan effort to ensure that a balanced budget gets to the governor.
4/ 2/2002:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's budget got off to a smooth start on the House floor Tuesday, with lawmakers approving the ground rules for debate with support from both sides of the aisle.
4/ 2/2002:
Radio Story - The Missouri House passed a resolution that could help prevent some budget problems.
Newspaper Story - The Senate approved $30 million in supplemental funds Thursday.
Radio Story - Legislators are heading out on spring break--but the budget and other key bills have yet to see debate in either chamber.
Newspaper Story - The house budget committee slashed the coordinating board for higher education by 62%.
Newspaper Story - The House budget committee has voted to decrease the higher education's coordinating board budget by 62%.
Radio Story - The House budget committee voted next year's budget out of committee and onto the House floor Wednesday night.
Newspaper Story - The House Budget Committee passed the proposed budget and the use of $75 million from the Rainy Day Fund.
Radio Story - Senate President Pro Tem Peter Kinder is sponsoring a bill to prevent any new gaming.
Newspaper Story - Senate President Pro Tem Peter Kinder (D-Cape Girardeau) is sponsering a bill to prevent any new gaming from coming to the state.
Newspaper Story - The House Budget committee upheld 10 percent cuts proposed to the Higher Education budget, but voted against an additional 1 percent cut.
Radio Story - Holden spokesman Jerry Natchigal says Holden's promotion his Rainy Day plan is necessary.
Newspaper Story - Holden travelled last week to St. Louis, St. Joseph and Kansas City and gave speeches about his recommendations about using the budget reserve fund, known as the "Rainy day Fund".
Newspaper Story - Around 150 state employees rallied at the Capitol in Jefferson City today demanding their group be recognized by the state as a union.
Newspaper Story - The House gave first-round approval to using $88 million of tobacco settlement money to fix the state budget.
Radio Story - Lawmakers in the House gave first round approval to a plan that raises gaming boat boarding fees to help pay for public education.
Newspaper Story - Three years after EPA recommended phasing out use of a potential cancer-causing chemical in gasoline, Missouri lawmakers still are debating what to do about it. The chemical is methyl tertiary butyl ether -- or MTBE. It is added to gasoline sold in the St. Louis area as part of the state's plan submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency to address air pollution problems in the St. Louis.
Radio Story - Gov. Holden proposes an amendment that would keep some senior programs.
3/ 7/2002:
Radio Story - Health care groups file a petition to seek signatures to put a 50-55 cent cigarette tax increase on the statewide ballot.
3/ 6/2002:
Newspaper Story - This is a profile of a woman with multiple personalities and how she and would be affected by mental health budget cuts.
3/ 6/2002:
Newspaper Story - A statewide coalition filed the ballot initiatives that could generate as much as $300 million per year for a variety of health, life science, and early childhood development programs.
3/ 5/2002:
Radio Story - Lawmakers consider a proposal that would let voters decide the fate of a plan that funnels millions of tax dollars into a new Cardinals stadium in downtown St. Louis.
3/ 4/2002:
Newspaper Story - Gov. Holden moved forward with his Rainy Day Fund proposal as the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee questioned whether it was constitutional.
3/ 4/2002:
Radio Story - Holden declares the state is in an economic emergency so he can use the state's emergency reserve fund to balance the budget.
3/ 4/2002:
Radio Story - Missouri's governor says he supports legislation that cuts $45 million from what is defined as "full funding" for public schools.
Newspaper Story - The State's budget director warned that state could be $30 million short this fiscal year, and would not rule out further withholdings from state agencies.
Newspaper Story - Some of Missouri's neediest citizens would find their situations worse under the operating budget presented by the state's governor
Newspaper Story - Missouri's lottery game operator stands to take in millions annually from a new, fast-paced Keno game approved last month.
Newspaper Story - It has been a bad week for Gov. Bob Holden in Missouri's legislature.
Radio Story - The Representatives aren't supporting a bill that creates a license plate bearing the symbol of the Animal Friendly Rights Association...because they're asking where the money goes?
Newspaper Story - State grants to public radio and television are eliminated in Gov. Holden's proposed budget
Newspaper Story - The Department of Mental Health would face a 15 percent cut from last year's funding under Gov. Bob Holden's proposed budget.
Newspaper Story - State correctional facilities will be one of the few organizations to benefit under the governor's budget proposal.
Radio Story - State senators rejected a three-cent increase in the diesel fuel tax.
Newspaper Story - House Speaker Jim Kreider does not like the governor's proposal for a new ballpark but says he will not block it.
Radio Story - Kansas City leaders want the House Commerce committee to review and pass a proposal for $100 million dollars in state funding to renovate the Royals and Chiefs Stadiums.
Newspaper Story - Under Holden's proposed budget, state employees would get no raises for the second straight year.
Radio Story - Governor Bob Holden announced he and the Cardinals Baseball Team have reached an agreement that would funnel millions of tax dollars into the construction of a new ballpark in downtown St. Louis.
Radio Story - The House Appropriations Committee has rejected the administration's request for private security guards in Missouri's Capitol.
Newspaper Story - The state is facing lower general revenue collections for the first time on record.
Radio Story - Lawmakers have mixed reactions to the launch of a petition campaign to put a package tax increases for highways on the statewide ballot.
Radio Story - Some business organizations have drafted an intiative petition for transportation funding.
Newspaper Story - A House Appropriations Committee has recommended deep cuts in the budget of Gov. Bob Holden.
Newspaper Story - Some lawmakers and higher education officials are charging that Gov. Bob Holden is boosting funds for public schools on the backs of the state's institutions of higher education.
Radio Story - Missouri's Democratic governor says he supports a Republican transportation funding proposal.
Radio Story - House Ways & Means hears proposals for assessment changes
Radio Story - Missouri lawmakers continue to approve personalized license plates for dozens of organizations.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Bob Holden threw his hat into the transportation ring Tuesday, embracing a $475 million tax increase for roads and public transit sponsored by the Senate's Republican Transportation Committee chairman.
Newspaper Story - The governor has proposed eliminating the Amtrak section from the regular budget and moving it to the state's emergency reserve fund.
Radio Story - The plan would increase the gas tax by six cents and the fuel tax by 3/8 percent.
Newspaper Story - Missouri schools would get a smaller budget increase the next year, but a bigger funding boost in two years under a budget-crisis plan approved by a House committee Tuesday.
Newspaper Story - The Cardinals are seeking $100 million in state money for a new downtown ballpark.
Radio Story - A new stadium for the Cardinal's would have a major economic impact on Missouri. Legislators are debating whether this impact would be positive or negative
Newspaper Story - The House Republican Caucus promoted a package of four bills that make up their "State Employees Bill of Rights" legislation package.
2/ 7/2002:
Radio Story - Democrats say Republicans won't be able to fund their idea.
2/ 7/2002:
Radio Story - Missouri House Democrats want funding for schools to stay the same
2/ 7/2002:
Newspaper Story - Democrats say the GOP plan is unequitable and impossible because of the tight budget.
2/ 5/2002:
Newspaper Story - Local taxing entities could earn more interest on their reserve money
2/ 5/2002:
Radio Story - State senators searching for ways to fund road improvements look to cash in on the gaming industry.
Newspaper Story - Economic development tax credits are projected to grow by $55 million this year despite cuts in other state programs
Radio Story - The governor wants lawmakers to expand gaming in the state to fund public education.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Bob Holden's address resonates plenty of numbers on how to cut the budget, but contains precious few plans on other issues like transportation.
Newspaper Story - Minutes after Gov. Holden outlined his budget proposal, Republican opposition began taking aim.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Supreme Court upheld the Missouri Department of Health's right to grant public funds to Planned Parenthood.
Newspaper Story - Missouri voters would be faced with nearly $1 billion in tax and fee increases for highways and school buildings under a proposal unveiled Tuesday by house leaders
Newspaper Story - A panel of private business persons assembled by the House GOP leader recommends budget cuts and budget process changes.
Radio Story - abortion-providing clinics can now receive state money again
Radio Story - The Blue Ribbon Panel appointed by Catherine Hanaway announced several budget recommendations.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Bob Holden has clipped his wings following criticism about his frequent use of state airplanes.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Holden only has $50.66 in his campaign funds when all is said and done, the lowest since the Civil War some say.
Newspaper Story - A St. Louis area lawmaker is proposing an additional fee on gambling boats to boost funding for transportation.
Radio Story - The state's budget direct says it's unlikely the governor will have to make further witholdings in the current fiscal year.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri budget may not be as bad as people say.
Newspaper Story - Sen. Morris Westfall, R- Halfway, is sponsoring a bill that would raise the motor-fuel tax and the general-sales tax. He did not support Holden's tax-increase proposal last year.
Radio Story - Senator Ted House proposing raising gambling fees to pay for transportation
1/ 9/2002:
Newspaper Story - Legislators focus on maintaining education funding for the Formula Foundation plan despite budget cuts.
1/ 9/2002:
Newspaper Story - State auditor Claire McCaskill in a news conference following the release of an audit of the Missouri Unemployment Trust Fund said the fund could be insolvent as of next year. The auditor, as well as business groups, say they expect the state legislature to find solutions.
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