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Jefferson City Post Office Has Anthrax Scare

October 16, 2001
By: Rachel Busacker
State Capital Bureau
Precautious of an anthrax encounter, Jefferson City postal workers called local authorities to investigate. Rachel Busacker has the story from Jefferson City.
OutCue: SOC
Postal workers became suspicious after encountering a bundle of packages with a white substance and Jefferson City Police were called to the scene.

Sargent Robert Clark:

RunTime: 16
OutCue: ...this was not anything
Contents: Clark describes going to the scene and how lab tests were done to not find anthrax.

While investigators found no threat of anthrax, Supervisor Donald Knoth says employee safety is a top priority.

RunTime: 5
OutCue: ...take those precautions.
Contents: Knoth says employee safety is a concern and therefore took precautions.

RunTime: 12
OutCue: ... local authorities and they came out
Contents: Knoth says with heighten anxiety, employees feeling comfortable is important so local authorities were called out.

From Jefferson City, Rachel Busacker for KOMX News.