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Maggie Rotermund
Stories by
Maggie Rotermund
Newspaper Story - Gov. Holden said that he would wait 30-45 days before making a decision on whether or not to sign the bill.
Newspaper Story - Republicans from St. Louis fought the current Senate restricting map--they want changes within the First and Second Districts. In the House, legislators passed a bill that fines bar owners for serving obviously drunk patrons.
5/ 9/2001:
Newspaper Story - Senate Democrats -- including Sen. Ken Jacob, D-Columbia -- launched a filibuster Wednesday to block GOP efforts to strip Democratic St. Louis City from the congressional district of U.S. Rep. Dick Gephardt.
5/ 9/2001:
Newspaper Story - Kenney said that he will bring the arena up on the floor this session, but that there are other priorities that must come first.
5/ 7/2001:
Newspaper Story - Rep. Dick Gebhardt is moved completely out of St. Louis City, under a plan proposed by the Senate committee. Rep. Lacy Clay would be the city's only representative as Gebhardt expands into the outlaying counties.
5/ 3/2001:
Newspaper Story - The Senate Rules Committee voted 5-1 on Thursday for the resolution. It now moves on to the Senate floor.
5/ 2/2001:
Newspaper Story - After months of controversy and confusion, the Senate Gubernatorial Appointments Committee affirmed two new members to the state's apportionment committee.
Newspaper Story - Sens. Kinder and Jacob co-sponsored a bill allowing a four-day sales tax exemption on school supplies and clothing.
Newspaper Story - With an 84-72 vote, the House sent the bill on to the Senate. The resolution call for $35 million in revenue bonds doled out over a 20 year period. This comes in addition to a $25 million dollar anonymous donation.
Newspaper Story - One of President George W. Bush's lawyers during the Florida recount is now the legal advisor for the Senate redistricting committee.
Newspaper Story - The House and Senate passed a bill which will use $126 million of Missouri's tobacco settlement to cover a budget shortfall.
Newspaper Story - As accusations of committee members for transportation support fly from Republican Peter Kinder, Holden denies charges and reaffirms his plan to anounce new members this week.
Newspaper Story - Kathy Martin, the new head of Social Services, plans on changing the department from the inside out.
4/ 4/2001:
Newspaper Story - The House Special Committee on Private-Public Partnerships voted 3-2 to send the resolution to the floor. MU wants $35 million in revenue bonds from the state, to contribute to a $25 million anonymous donation.
4/ 2/2001:
Newspaper Story - The University of Missouri wants to use revenue bonds to supplement a $25 million gift from an anonymous donor, in order to fund a new on-site arena.
Newspaper Story - The Senate Administration Committee voted Friday to eliminate six positions. Senate President Pro Tem Peter Kinder announced the names until Monday.
Newspaper Story - Sen. Anita Yeckel would limit sales of cold medicine to three packages per visit, as an attempt to prevent the production of methemphetimine.
Newspaper Story - Sen. Ken Jacob introduced legislation that would allow Missourians to carry concealed weapons, provided they adhere to strict regulations.
3/ 7/2001:
Newspaper Story - One hundred people converged on the Capital Wednesday to lobby for animal rights and changes to legislation
3/ 7/2001:
Newspaper Story - With international debate still raging, Missouri lawmakers don't have a clear plan to regulate Internet adoptions, even though the twins in question were born in St. Louis.
3/ 5/2001:
Newspaper Story - Larry Rice, former gubernatorial candidate, comes to the Capital to lobby for renewable resources. Rice wants the state to use alternative sources of energy in order to alleviate skyrocketing heating costs.
3/ 5/2001:
Newspaper Story - House leaders Monday announced their plan for the Missouri share of the tobacco settlement. They want to send the issue to a vote of the people.
3/ 1/2001:
Newspaper Story - Firearm legislation dominated the attention in the state Wednesday as the Senate debates shutting down the St. Louis lawsuit against the firmearms industry.
Newspaper Story - Anti-smoking groups call for a bigger share of the tobacco settlement funds than recommended by Gov. Bob Holden.
2/ 7/2001:
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers reviewed legislation that would increase the maximum fine for violations of the Missouri law that established a public right to review official records and attend public meetings.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Senate has to allow a pay plan for lawmakers and other government officials to take effect.
Newspaper Story - For the second day in a row, members of the Senate stalled a resolution that would reject a 5.5 percent increase in legislative salaries for each of the next two years.
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