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2001 House Roll Calls
HS HB 3 (09/10/2001): Special Session: House 3rd reading of a bill to create a new program of financial assistance for prescription drug purchases by lower income elderly.
HS HB 5 (09/10/2001): Special Session: House 3rd reading of legislation to exempt from state taxation the $300 federal tax credit adopted by Congress.
HS HB 4 (09/10/2001): Special Session: House 3rd reading bill to change, but not repeal, the law prohibiting price discrimination in prices paid by meat packers for livestock.
HCS SCS SB 4 (09/12/2001): Special Session: House 3rd reading of the Senate-passed bill to create a new program of financial assistance for prescription drug purchases by lower income elderly.
HCS SCS SB 4 (09/12/2001.S1): Special Session: House 3rd reading of the Senate-passed bill to create a new program of financial assistance for prescription drug purchases by lower income elderly.
HS HB 4 (09/10/2001.S1): Special Session: House 3rd reading bill to change, but not repeal, the law prohibiting price discrimination in prices paid by meat packers for livestock.
HS HB 5 (09/10/2001.S1): Special Session: House 3rd reading of legislation to exempt from state taxation the $300 federal tax credit adopted by Congress.
HS HB 3 (09/10/2001.S1): Special Session: House 3rd reading of a bill to create a new program of financial assistance for prescription drug purchases by lower income elderly.
CCS SB 244 (05/18/2001): 3rd reading of the final conference report on a bill to suspend a person's driving license for driving away from a gas station without paying for gas.
CCS HB 453 (05/17/2001): 3rd reading of the final conference version of a bill to lower the definition of drunken driving from 0.10% to 0.08% blood-alcohol content.
SCS HS HB 1000 (05/16/2001): 3rd reading of the final version of the Congressional redistricting plan endorsed by eight of Missouri's nine members of Congress.
CCS SB 267 (05/15/2001): 3rd reading of the final conference version of a judicial procedures bill that exempts the mentally retarded from the death penalty.
HS HB 1000 (05/09/2001): 3rd reading of a Congressional redistricting plan that incorporates the compromise reached between Congressment Dick Gephardt and Lacy Clay for diving up St. Louis city.
HS HB 1000 (05/08/2001): Perfection of a Congressional redistricting plan that incorporates the compromise reached between Congressment Dick Gephardt and Lacy Clay for diving up St. Louis city.
HS SS SB 267 (05/02/2001): 3rd reading of a bill making including a number of court changes that includes an amendment to exempt the mentally retarded from the death penalty.
HS HB 835 (05/01/2001): 3rd reading of an anti-crime bill that includes giving Missourians the right to keep hidden, loaded firearms in their cars.
HCS HJR 7 (04/26/2001): A constitutional amendment to authorize the Highways Department to operate toll roads.
HS HCR 25 (04/25/2001): Approval of a House resolution to authorize the University of Missouri to float bonds to build a new basketball arena.
HSA 1 HA 9 HB 678 (04/24/2001): Amendment to a campaign finance bill that would make it a misdemeanor crime for a political candidate to disseminate false information.
HA 7 HB 678 (04/24/2001): An amendment to a campaign finance bill that would require the governor to disclose contributions to his innauguration costs.
HA 5 HB 660 (04/24/2001): Amendment to a teacher retirement bill that would prohibit survivor benefits to a spouse of the same sex.
HA 6 HB 678 (04/23/2001): An amendment to a campaign finance bill that would restrict contributions to a political party to no more than $5,000 in any one year.
HS HB 882 (04/18/2001): House 3rd reading of a bill to authorize off-track betting on televised horse races.
CCS HB 15 (04/18/2001): 3rd reading of the conference committee version of the emergency appropriations bill that uses $126 million of tobacco settlement funds to meet state budget shortfalls.
HA 15 HS HB 835 (04/17/2001): An amendment to a broad anti-crime bill that would allow adults to have a concealed firearm in the passenger compartment of a motor vehicle.
HCR 4 (04/11/2001): A resolution to ratify the federal Equal Rights Amendment.
HCS HJR 7 (04/12/2001): Perfection (preliminary approval) of a constitutional amendment to let the Highways Commission establish toll roads.
HS HB 882 (04/11/2001): House perfection of a bill to authorize off-track betting on horse races.
HA 3 HS HB 882 (04/11/2001): An amendment to a bill to authorize off-track betting on horse races to submit the proposal to Missouri voters for their approval.
HA 4 HS HB 835 (04/10/2001): House amendment to ban cloning of humans.
HS HB 924 (04/05/2001): House 3rd reading of the governor's bill to seek voter approval of tax hikes more than $600 million for transportation.
HCS HB 754 (04/04/2001): House 3rd reading of a bill to provide a pay bonus for teachers who gain national certification from a national board.
HS HB 924 (04/04/2001): House preliminary approval of the governor's bill to seek voter approval of tax hikes more than $600 million for transportation.
HS HB 421 (03/15/2001): House 3rd reading of a bill to limit the lawsuit liability of bar owners for damages done by drunken patrons.
HCS HB 265 (03/08/2001): House 3rd read of a bill to exempt the mentally retarded from the death penalty.
HB 126 (03/06/2001): House 3rd reading of a bill to require that auto headlights be turned on when weather is bad enough to require the windshield wipers be used.
HJR 5 (02/22/2001): House 3rd Read of a constitutional amendment to lower to a simple majority the vote required to pass a school bond issue on the general municipal election or state general election ballot.
HA 1 HCS HB 15 (02/22/2001): House Amendment to the emergency appropriations bill to implement the governor's plan to use more than $120 million of tobacco settlement funds to meet budget shortfalls.
HA 2 HCS HB 205 (02/15/2001): Amendment to a forestry bill that would require the Conservation Dept. to pay for damage caused by elk reintroduced into the state by the department.
HA 1 HCS HB 205 (02/15/2001): Amendment to a forest bill that would prohibit the release of elk into the wild in Missouri.
HCS HB 302 (02/15/2001): House 3rd reading of a bill to lower the blood-alcohol level for DWI to 0.08% from the current 0.10% level.
HCS SS SCR 2 (01/31/2001): House approval of a resolution to reject pay raises for legislators, judges and statewide elected officials recommended by the salary commission.
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