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2001 Environment Stories
Newspaper Story - The attorney general and the U.S. Forest Service disagree on prospecting permits.
Radio Story - Missouri is seeing an increase in animal rescues and its not costing the state a dime. All funding comes from private donations
11/ 9/2001:
Radio Story - Although warm temperatures are not desired for deer season, the Missouri Department of Conservation expects a good harvest.
11/ 8/2001:
Newspaper Story - The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers held an open house Wednesday evening to explain and answer questions about its Revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
11/ 1/2001:
Radio Story - Governor Holden criticized the Department of Energy in its transportation of nuclear waste through the state.
11/ 1/2001:
Radio Story - Director Maureen Dempsey said Missouri is prepared in many areas against a bioterrorist attack, but improvements in the system still can be made.
Newspaper Story - More than one year after a CBS national report revealed that a gasoline product used in Missouri could cause cancer, state regulations still allow use of the product in the St. Louis area.
Newspaper Story - A cancer-causing chemical is showing up in waters across Missouri. More than one year after a CBS national report revealed that a gasoline product used in Missouri could cause cancer, state regulations still allow use of the product in the St. Louis area.
10/ 4/2001:
Newspaper Story - Security for Hazardous Waste Transport Beefed Up
10/ 4/2001:
Radio Story - High lead levels found during testing in august prompted the Natural Resources Department to issue an oreder to clean up the Doe Run smeltering plant in Herculaneum.
Radio Story - Missouri Highway is looking for suspicious vehicle carrying hazardous materials in light of the terrorist attacks.
Newspaper Story - Columbia's Hinkson Creek will retain its distinction as one of the state's designated water-pollution problems as a result of a federally-mandated review now under way. Boone County's Lake of the Woods is a proposed addition to the list, while the committee plans to retain Rocky Fork's position as an impaired water.
Radio Story - The state's PSC chairman warns of a potential crisis from utilities shutting off service to the low-income this winter.
5/ 3/2001:
Newspaper Story - The House approved a plan Thursday to protect animals from sexual abuse and theft. They also designated March 21 as "Bird Appreciation Day."
5/ 1/2001:
Newspaper Story - Meteorologists predicted Tuesday that the Missouri River will remain below its seasonal average, limiting the threat of flooding in Central Missouri and the Saint Louis area.
Radio Story - During debate on airline safety an amendment to do a real time study of the airport expansion plan is debated and then defeated by the Missouri House.
Radio Story - The Senate voted to impose restrictions on construction of new billboards along Missouri highways.
4/ 5/2001:
Newspaper Story - Environmentalists pushed a series of proposals to protect wildlife and encourage eco-friendly farming practices through the Senate Agriculture Committee Thursday.
3/ 7/2001:
Radio Story - A bill in the Missouri Senate would revise the Animal Care Facility Act, raising dog licensing fees and changing search procedures of dog breeding facilities.
3/ 7/2001:
Newspaper Story - One hundred people converged on the Capital Wednesday to lobby for animal rights and changes to legislation
3/ 5/2001:
Newspaper Story - Larry Rice, former gubernatorial candidate, comes to the Capital to lobby for renewable resources. Rice wants the state to use alternative sources of energy in order to alleviate skyrocketing heating costs.
3/ 1/2001:
Newspaper Story - Missourians will have a chance to design the state's commemorative quarter as part of a contest announced Thursday by Lori Hauser Holden, wife of Gov. Bob Holden.
3/ 1/2001:
Newspaper Story - Mixing experience with outside leadership, Missouri Gov. Bob Holden nominated four cabinet members Thursday, bringing in two newcomers while keeping two officials from previous administrations.
Radio Story - Senator Wayne Goode is co-sponsoring a bill to set up a commission to restore Capitol with original designs.
Newspaper Story - An audit of the state's inspection program for dog breeders found the program has left animals at risk for substandard care.
Radio Story - Missouri senators joked about a bill establishing Bird Appreciation Day.
Newspaper Story - Representatives of Missouri's billboard industry came out in support of a bill that would restrict the contstruction of new signs.
Radio Story - A US district court ordered the EPA to review St. Louis' air quality; St. Louis lawmakers want the EPA to hold off till 2003.
2/ 6/2001:
Newspaper Story - Environmentalists heard the talk; now they hope Holden will walk the walk.
2/ 5/2001:
Radio Story - One Missouri lawmaker wants to make it legal for Missourians to kill wild pigs on public and private land.
Newspaper Story - Missouri Gov. Bob Holden proposed using a portion of the state's tobacco settlement to fund life sciences research at large public institutions such as MU over 25 years.
Newspaper Story - Rep. Mike Reid has proposed a 10-year moratorium on the importation of wild elks, voicing concern that the animals may carry a dangerous disease.
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