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April 2001 Stories
Newspaper Story - Sens. Kinder and Jacob co-sponsored a bill allowing a four-day sales tax exemption on school supplies and clothing.
Radio Story - A Missouri Senate bill would eliminate the sales tax on school supplies and clothing for four days preceding the start of the school year.
Radio Story - With new programs, women in prison will learn how to better take care of children and how to cope with life outside of jail.
Radio Story - Senator Anita Yeckel says that although she supports a measure to permit simulcasted horse-race betting, she says there's probably not enough time to hear the bill this year. Right now, the bill is stuck in a Senate committee because there has not been enough time for opponents to testify.
News summary for the week of April 23, 2001
Radio Story - The House approved a measure to restructure the Highway Commission and allow the Commission to study and develop toll roads.
Newspaper Story - The House gave approval Thursday to toll roads. Republicans did not approve.
Radio Story - The Senate gave initial approval to a school funding plan for construction.
Radio Story - The Senate Tranportation Committee passed a transportation funding plan similar to the governor's after a Republican broke ranks and voted with Democrats.
Newspaper Story - Following the release of a congressional district map of the St. Louis area negotiated by U.S. Rep. Richard Gephardt and Rep. William "Lacy" Clay earlier this week, a freshman Republican senator offered his own alternative.
Newspaper Story - "One Missouri" has succombed to political sparring.
Newspaper Story - With an 84-72 vote, the House sent the bill on to the Senate. The resolution call for $35 million in revenue bonds doled out over a 20 year period. This comes in addition to a $25 million dollar anonymous donation.
Radio Story - After a winning season, the Lady Bears stole representatives' attention from the MU arena.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Bob Holden's plan to have the state provide monetary incentives for completing the National Board Certification process passed out of the House and awaits its next hurdle; the Senate.
Radio Story - One day after removing his support this year for a new Cardinals stadium, Governor Bob Holden backed down slightly from his position.
Radio Story - After debating the tax credit bill for several days last week, the House Floor Leader moved the previous question almost immediately Tuesday, upsetting Republicans.
Newspaper Story - Missouri Gov. Bob Holden said Tuesday that both the $35 million MU arena issue and the $370 million Cardinals stadium proposal, may be stuck in legislative limbo until bipartisan concerns about their economic impact are resolved.
Radio Story - During debate on airline safety an amendment to do a real time study of the airport expansion plan is debated and then defeated by the Missouri House.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's legislature is moving a bill that would protect bar owners from lawsuits for damages caused by drunken patrons.
Radio Story - With only weeks to go in this legislative session, the baseball players themselves are trying to convince lawmakers to pass funding for the new stadium.
Radio Story - Lawyer Michael Carvin has been hired to help out the Senate Redistricting Committee, which makes Democratic members uncomfortable
Radio Story - The Missouri legislature is getting closer to passing a bill that would completely privatize health information, unless the patient authorizes it in writing.
Newspaper Story - One of President George W. Bush's lawyers during the Florida recount is now the legal advisor for the Senate redistricting committee.
Radio Story - After a meeting with Cardinals owners, The Governor's spokesperson says that it is unlikely the state will pay to build a new Cardinals stadium.
News summary for the week of April 16, 2001
Newspaper Story - The Senate approved the 2002 Missouri budget Thursday that lacks a pay increase for state employees.
Radio Story - Although the governor appointed two Republicans to the commission, the Missouri Republican Party is still disappointed with how the selection process went.
Radio Story - Guns could be hidden in auto glove compartments under a measure approved by Missouri's House.
Radio Story - Two top political figures presented the bid for state money for a new St. Louis ballpark with roadblocks on Thursday.
Radio Story - In one day the Missouri legislature passes a bill using tobacco money to pay for it's budget shortfall.
Newspaper Story - The House and Senate passed a bill which will use $126 million of Missouri's tobacco settlement to cover a budget shortfall.
Newspaper Story - State Rep. Jon Dolan, R-Lake St. Louis, suggested extending U.S. Rep. Richard Gephardt's district farther north and west and adding Cole County to the 9th district in a sparsely attended public hearing Wednesday night.
Radio Story - Both the House and Senate passed a bill that will give tobacco settlement money to the state budget.
Newspaper Story - Feature story how one school has implemented the character-based education proposal of the governor.
Radio Story - The Senate education committee passed a bill that would give nationally certified teachers a five-thousand dollar a year pay raise.
Radio Story - The Senate Ways and Means Committee is urged to approve the governor's tax increase package of transportation.
Radio Story - Governor Bob Holden has once again refused to take a stance on the issue of a new Cardinals stadium.
Newspaper Story - Governor Bob Holden said he would continue to withhold judgment on the $370 million Cardinals stadium proposal, despite increased bipartisan pressure for a decision from the House and Senate Tuesday.
Radio Story - Rev. Larry Rice and Rep. Jim Murphy voiced their opposition to the stadium plan again, and added criticism of the amendments to the bill.
Radio Story - A public hearing regarding congressional redistricting, is set for Thursday in St. Louis.
Newspaper Story - As accusations of committee members for transportation support fly from Republican Peter Kinder, Holden denies charges and reaffirms his plan to anounce new members this week.
Newspaper Story - Kathy Martin, the new head of Social Services, plans on changing the department from the inside out.
News summary for the week of April 9, 2001
Radio Story - Missouri's Senate gave first-round approval to a plan that would ask voters to extend term limits to ten years.
Newspaper Story - Sen. Ken Jacob, D-Columbia, proposed a $35 million bond issuance Thursday as part of efforts to secure a new basketball arena for MU.
Newspaper Story - A bitter dispute emerged late Thursday when the top Senate Republican accused Gov. Bob Holden of offering a seat on the redistricting commission in return for GOP support of a $747 million transportation plan.
Newspaper Story - While it is legal to bet on horses in Missouri, the state remains without a racetrack as companies have found it difficult to make money with a limited number of racing days each year.
Radio Story - The Attorney General offered an opinion on the redistricting controversy and that led to wild day of accusations.
Newspaper Story - Republicans were furious that a Democratic-led resolution to create toll roads passed the House Thursday.
Radio Story - Missouri lawmakers will say how safe Gephardt's district will be.
Newspaper Story - Alarmed by the spread of methamphetamines, some lawmakers and police are pushing for harsher penalties aimed at sources of the illegal drug.
Radio Story - Although it is discussed almost every year, the ERA failed in its first vote in almost twenty years.
Radio Story - A redestricting plan submitted by Lacy Clay could jeopardize Gephardt's seat in the House.
Newspaper Story - Rep. Marsha Campbell, D-Kansas City, has proposed a bill that would ban talking on a wireless phone without a hands-free device while driving.
Newspaper Story - Missourians can put in their two cents on what will grace the back of the state's commemorative quarter to be minted in 2003.
Radio Story - The bill would increase penalties on those trying to steal ingredients used in the production of meth.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Senate gave initial approval to stiffer penalties for meth producers.
Radio Story - Lawmakers gave preliminary approval to a measure designed to crack down on elder abuse in nursing homes.
Newspaper Story - A proposal to stiffen penalties for health and safety violations at nursing homes gained preliminary approval Tuesday in the state House despite objections that the bill would hurt even the best facilities.
Radio Story - The Senate voted to impose restrictions on construction of new billboards along Missouri highways.
4/ 9/2001:
Newspaper Story - While state lawmakers scramble for ways to fund transportation, toll roads have been forgotten by Gov. Bob Holden.
4/ 9/2001:
Radio Story - Senate proposal to extend term limits.
4/ 9/2001:
Radio Story - The House Commerce Committee approves a bill that allows use of sales tax revenues generated by the stadium fund to pay for construction of a new stadium.
4/ 8/2001:
Radio Story - Secretary of State Matt Blunt's office says more than 24,000 in St. Louis City are registered in multiple precincts.
4/ 7/2001:
Radio Story - The House wants the Senate to remove its amendments to the .08 bill. If the Senate doesn't agree, a committee will have to be set up to reach a consensus.
4/ 6/2001:
News summary for the week of April 2, 2001
4/ 5/2001:
Radio Story - Russ Carnahan accepted an award for his late father's work to protect Missouri's children.
4/ 5/2001:
Newspaper Story - The House approved Gov. Bob Holden's "One Missouri Transportation Plan" in a near party-line vote Thursday that followed last-minute arm twisting to ensure its passage.
4/ 5/2001:
Radio Story - Gov. Bob Holden's sweeping transportation plan cleared the House Thursday.
4/ 5/2001:
Newspaper Story - Environmentalists pushed a series of proposals to protect wildlife and encourage eco-friendly farming practices through the Senate Agriculture Committee Thursday.
4/ 5/2001:
Radio Story - Democratic members of the Black Caucus voiced their opposition to the transportation plan in a meeting with the governor before eventually voting in favor of his bill.
4/ 4/2001:
Radio Story - Holden's "total" transportation plan was given first-round approval in a vote along near straight party lines.
4/ 4/2001:
Radio Story - Several parents and teachers spoke out to the Senate Committee meeting about certain restrictions with the A+ scholarship program.
4/ 4/2001:
Newspaper Story - Although Gov. Holden's transportation plan passed by a narrow margin, and a near-straight party-line vote, the next battle will be in the Republican controlled senate.
4/ 4/2001:
Radio Story - The St. Louis homerule, which allows St. Louis city citizens to elect both its city and county officers, passes the Missouri Senate.
4/ 4/2001:
Radio Story - Senator Mike Gibbons, chair of the Ways and Means Committee says the St. Louis Cardinals bill is by no means dead.
4/ 4/2001:
Radio Story - Passing school bond issues with a simple majority did face some opposition, but it is getting closer to the ballot.
4/ 4/2001:
Newspaper Story - Sen. Sarah Steelman, R-Rolla, is sponsoring a bill aimed at getting more colleges to offer American Sign Language classes. The bill would require these classes to be counted as a foreign language in college and allow ASL classes taken in high school to count as a foreign language course for college admission.
4/ 4/2001:
Newspaper Story - The House Special Committee on Private-Public Partnerships voted 3-2 to send the resolution to the floor. MU wants $35 million in revenue bonds from the state, to contribute to a $25 million anonymous donation.
4/ 3/2001:
Newspaper Story - Sister Helen Prejean spoke out against the death penalty Tuesday in Jefferson City.
4/ 3/2001:
Newspaper Story - Gov. Bob Holden came from a little town in southern Missouri -- a place that still effects his role as governor today.
4/ 3/2001:
Newspaper Story - Two top leaders of the Missouri House are working to revive the issue of allowing citizens to carry a concealed weapon two years after voters rejected a ballot issue to do just that.
4/ 2/2001:
Newspaper Story - The House Higher Education committee approves a reversal of a 130-year old ban on the term "tuition" in the UM system.
4/ 2/2001:
Newspaper Story - The University of Missouri wants to use revenue bonds to supplement a $25 million gift from an anonymous donor, in order to fund a new on-site arena.
4/ 2/2001:
Newspaper Story - Governor Bob Holden says he appointed Mark Richardson, despite his resignation, because Republicans gave him too few choices.
4/ 2/2001:
Radio Story - While the nation waits for George W. Bush to sign medical privacy laws, state lawmakers debate compliance with them.
4/ 2/2001:
Radio Story - The Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission says it can't appropriate funds in which the state is held jointly liable with another defendant.
4/ 2/2001:
Radio Story - Gov. Bob Holden defended his decision to appoint Rep. Mark Richardson to the head of the State Redistricting Committee.
4/ 2/2001:
Radio Story - Some St. Louis residents are catching the University of Missouri system for discrepencies in tuition.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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