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January 2000 Stories
Newspaper Story - Proposed bills by republicans Jon Dolan and Steve Ehlmann would make scalping legal in Missouri. Scalepers don't think that bill would pass.
Radio Story - A House Subcommittee is reviewing a bill that would change the legal age of organ donors to sixteen years. The bill would also allow signed organ donor cards to be sufficient documentation to legally remove organs.
Radio Story - Children who were adopted would be able to access their original birth certificate after the age of 18 under a bill passed by the House Children and Families Committee.
News summary for the week of January 24, 2000
Radio Story - In a surprising move, Democratic Senator Harold Caskey has proposed lowering the legal blood alcohol limit from .10 to .08 after killing similiar legislation last year.
Newspaper Story - A Missouri lawmaker wants to make sex with animals illegal.
Radio Story - A state representative is hoping to make the state capitol alcohol-free. If the bill passes, alcohol would no longer be allowed in the state capitol starting in 2002.
Radio Story - The Missouri House gives first round approval to legislation setting up the tobacco trust fund with little opposition from Republicans.
Radio Story - Several members of the House Children and Families Committee are questioning a proposal by St. Charles Rep. Charles Gross to ban daycare on riverboat casinos.
Newspaper Story - Although the ground wasn't covered in a blanket of snow, students still woke up to the happy sounds of 'no school today.'
Radio Story - New Senate Bill proposes to lower the speed limit for truck drivers in Missouri. Truckers could be limited to 65mph on rural areas and 55mph in urban areas.
Radio Story - Democratic lawmakers want to use bonds to finance road repairs on Missouri's ailing highway system.
Radio Story - Democratic lawmakers present a plan to finance road repairs in the state.
Radio Story - One legislator is trying to bring legal ticket scalping back to Missouri. Jon Dolan of Lake St. Louis filed a bill on Tuesday that allows ticket holders to sell their seats at above face-value.
Radio Story - Two House bills would create a "no call" list of people who didn't want calls from telemarketers.
Radio Story - House Republican leader Delbert Scott is disapointed with a "a quick fix" solution to the state's highway problems.
Newspaper Story - The highway patrol superintendent came out in support of a proposal to lower the speed limits for trucks. Legislators felt this would do little to alleviate accidents such as the one that occured near Kansas City on Sunday.
Radio Story - State Treasurer and gubornatorial hopeful expresses his ideas about the transportation plans of the Democrats.
Newspaper Story - Democrats in Missouri's General Assembly proposed Tuesday that the state issue $2 billion in bonds to finance road repairs through 2007. The proposal would cap bond issues for transportation to $2 billion, thus avoiding a GOP plan to spend $10 billion over ten years.
Newspaper Story - A Senate committee discussed Monday whether to close off public information contained in the state's auto regristration and driver's license records.
Radio Story - Republican Senators John Russell and Larry Rohrbach want to limit the Department of Revenue's ability to release personal information from motor vehicle records.
Radio Story - Lieutenant Governor Candidate Joe Maxwell says that he is willing to give back funds raised before the Supreme Court's decision.
Newspaper Story - The U.S. Supreme Court upholds Missouri's campaign finance limits on individual contributions.
News summary for the week of January 17, 2000
Radio Story - Both Senate and House Committees moved quickly this week to figure out what ought to happen to tobacco settlement money worth a projected 6.7 billion dollars.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Mel Carnahan opposes the transportation of nuclear waste to Yucca Mountain via Missouri's highways and rail lines.
Newspaper Story - The U.S. Dept. of Energy is accepting comments on a proposal that would include transporting thousands of tons of nuclear waste through Missouri.
Radio Story - One lawmaker wants to increase the fine for speeding in a construction zone.
Radio Story - The bill allows resort bars and restaurants on the Lake of the Ozarks to sell alcohol until 3 a.m.
Radio Story - Republican candidate for governor Jim Talent gave a speech he called the "Republican State of the State" today in the capitol.
Radio Story - The Governor's State of the State Address draws sharp criticism from Republicans who say the governor lacks leadership.
Radio Story - While top-GOP candidate for governor, Jim Talent gave a speech one after Gov. Carnahan's own speech, Democrat governor hopefull, Bob Holden preferred to stay out of the limelight.
Radio Story - The legislature's leading sponsor of anti-drunken driving legislation criticizes the governor's proposal.
Newspaper Story - The final State of the State address by Gov. Mel Carnahan ended with a serenade from children.
Radio Story - The House Republicans are proposing to do away with the current tranportation commission. The Democrats do not see the problem.
Radio Story - Democratic and Republican senators disagree on how Missouri's tobacco settlement money ought to be used.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri State Appeal Court for the Eastern District held Monday that the state is the only one with a legitimate claim to its lawsuit against the tobacco companies. The City of St. Louis and other organizations and individuals can sue on their own, the court said.
Radio Story - The Consumer Protection committee is currently debating a bill restricting unsolicited commercial e-mail, commonly known as "spam mail."
Newspaper Story - Republicans, citing poor conditions of Missouri highways, introduced a constitutional ammendment seeking to replace the state highway with commission with a Secretatary of Transportation who would be accountable to the governor. Democrats felt that this initiative would only politicize the transportation department and characterized it as an election year ploy.
Newspaper Story - About 100,000 Missourians stand to receive a check from Missouri's Attorney General in return for money scammed from consumers by a California-based direct marketing company several years ago.
Radio Story - Gov. Mel Carnahan will look back on his work as governor in his State of the State Address on Wednesday.
Newspaper Story - Next January one of Columbia's own legislators could have the best seat in the House.
Radio Story - One of the top-ranked candidates for Missouri's House Speaker has dropped out of the race.
Newspaper Story - Although the election isn't until January, the Speaker of the House race has already dropped one of its possible contendors.
News summary for the week of January 10, 2000
Radio Story - Democratic Senators voice concern over a law lowering legal blood alcohol content limit from .10 to .08.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Mel Carnahan endorsed proposal to lower standard for drunk driving from .10 to .08 today, but Senate Democrats have not been quick to jump on board.
Radio Story - House Republicans have proposed a bill to divide the Kansas City School District.
Newspaper Story - Jim Murphy, R-St. Louis County, and a couple other legislators are calling Columbia "Infanticide City" in the wake of last year's Partial Birth Abortion Debate.
Radio Story - State legislators are hoping to imporve school violence laws this session.
Radio Story - Two mid-Missouri schools have already had to close their doors for one day, and the flu season is just beginning.
Radio Story - The hiring of Senate Majority Leader Ronnie DePasco's nephew by the state ethics commission raises questions of whether or not DePasco was involved.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Ethics Commission hires the nephew of a legislative leader.
Radio Story - A bill sponsored by Senator John Russell would give schools $80 for each student that completes driver's ed.
Radio Story - Two joint resolutions would ask Missouri voters to roll back the requirement on passage of a school bond to a simple majority.
Radio Story - A lawmaker has proposed a bill to refund long distance charges for people trying to reach state officials if they instead reach their voice mail.
Radio Story - A bill proposed by Senator Harry Wiggins would eliminate state sales tax on purchases of coffins and caskets.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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