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2000 Revenue Stories
Newspaper Story - Gov.-elect Bob Holden and the legislature face a $24.5 billion funding question when next year's legislative session begins. MoDOT is turning over the funding of its 20-year long-range plan to the legislature and Missouri voters -- leaving some skeptical that the plan will ever be fully funded.
12/ 7/2000:
Radio Story - Late tax payers will pay more in Missouri.
12/ 7/2000:
Newspaper Story - Sales on the Internet are taking off, especially in this holiday season, but they could harm state and local tax coffers.
12/ 7/2000:
Newspaper Story - Voters frequently tell their lawmakers to live within their means, but those means are uncertain for next year's legislators.
12/ 6/2000:
Newspaper Story - In a press conference today governor-elect announced key appointments to his administration, including chief of staff and cheif counsel.
Newspaper Story - A commission charged with investigating legislative pay raises has recommended a pay raise for Missouri's elected officials.
Newspaper Story - The most recent ruling on the Hancock Amendment will not get in the way of campaign promises, Gov.-elect Bob Holden said Thursday.
Radio Story - A court ruled a quarter-billion dollars be returned to taxpayers. But, some governments officials say it won't happen without a price.
Radio Story - Bob Holden, Missouri's Governor-elect, discussed the Hancock case, a job website, and appointments to his administration.
Radio Story - While taxpayers have suspected it for years, a judge confirmed that the state does take too much of your money. Refunds are expected to be issued after the State collected excess taxes frok 1995 to 1999.
Newspaper Story - Missouri taxpayers would get almost a quarter of a billion dollars in overdue refunds under a ruling issued by a Cole County Circuit Court judge Wednesday.
Newspaper Story - A constitutional amendment on the November ballot would consolidate the state's savings accounts and make it harder to access.
Newspaper Story - In an ironic twist, the backers of tax-supported political campaign initiative Proposition B have been hit with a lawsuit charging campaign finance violations.
Radio Story - Since Missouri voted to allow gambling on the river tax revenue for schools has increased over a billion dollars.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's $6.7 billion tobacco settlement money isn't discussed much on the campaign trail, but when pressed many candidates for state offices have big ideas.
Newspaper Story - Ninety-year-old New Hampshire native Doris "Granny D" Haddock stopped by the capitol Wednesday to voice her support for Proposition B on the November ballot.
Newspaper Story - Details of Proposition B on the November Ballot to provide tax funds to political candidates.
Newspaper Story - Background on how various states have addressed government funding of campaigns that Missourians will see on the November ballot.
10/ 5/2000:
Newspaper Story - Missouri parents would have more investment options for their childrens' college education under plans being developed by Missouri's state treasurer as well as candidates for the job.
10/ 3/2000:
Radio Story - In 1998 both the state and national average of student loan default decreased.
Radio Story - Planned Parenthood's efforts to get state funds for family planning came before Missouri's Supreme Court. But the case will also decide if the state can sue the state.
Radio Story - Station Casino still under review after giving a St. Louis lawyer big bucks.
Radio Story - The state is spending $8 million of taxpayer money to improve aesthetics in the Capitol building.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Senate debated but declined to vote Thursday on a resolution urging the Gaming Commission to force seven Station Casinos executives to testify about bonuses paid to the company's lawyer.
Radio Story - The Senate GOP leader is calling on the Senate to take a stand on a gambling company's refusal to obey Gamming Commission subeonas.
Newspaper Story - While candidates for governor debate the future of bond financing for road improvements, the first bond-financed repair project is up and running in Saline County.
9/ 7/2000:
Radio Story - The battle is over who is going to pay the lawyers. One of the state's most outspoken Republican senators says the Attorney Generaal made an unconstitutional contract with a private lawyer.
9/ 7/2000:
Radio Story - The Missouri Supreme Court heard arguments from five separate interest groups hoping to intervene in the state's $6.7 billion tobacco settlement. Representing individuals, hospital owners and even the city of St. Louis, lawyers argued they could intervene and proceed with their individual court cases against the tobacco companies.
9/ 7/2000:
Newspaper Story - Attorneys for various interest groups seeking their own compensation from big tobacco asked the Missouri Supreme Court yesterday to prevent the state from dropping its lawsuit against tobacco companies.
9/ 5/2000:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri State Supreme Court will hear arguments Thursday in a case that has prevented the state from receiving any of its estimated $6.7 billion settlement with big tobacco companies.
Newspaper Story - The Senate's top Democratic leader drops legislation to allocate tobacco settlement funds after the Senate tacks on a ban on giving the money to abortion providers or referrers.
Radio Story - Anti-abortion forces have rejected the governor's effort for a compromise on the tobacco settlement funds.
5/ 8/2000:
Newspaper Story - House approval of an open meetings bill highlights legislative action on the first day of its last week for 2000.
5/ 8/2000:
Radio Story - Representative Bill Boucher proposed the plan. He is concerned, not about the cost, but the fact that 10 000 WWII vets die each year, and wants to recognize those still alive.
5/ 4/2000:
Radio Story - Petitions are filed to put public funding of political campaigns on Missouri's ballot.
5/ 3/2000:
Radio Story - In reaction to suspect retirement deals for three Missouri post secondary officials prompted an amendment by Senator Wayne Goode to try and stop "sweet heart deals."
5/ 1/2000:
Radio Story - Partisan debate stalls Senate action on legislation to allocate tobacco settlement funds.
Newspaper Story - If one state legislator had his way, the University of Missouri system would have been eliminated from receiving any building improvement funds from the state for the upcoming fiscal year.
Radio Story - Senate approved a measure increasing Medicaid nursing home reimbursements with tobacco money
Radio Story - Budget debate in the Senate was interrupted by heated debate about paying for the proposed ballpark in St. Louis.
Radio Story - The House debated for five hours about the creation of a trust fund for money from the tobacco settlement. But, the bill is not required to establish the fund. The governor can do it regardless.
Radio Story - Irate Mexico Senator Joe Maxwell says he proposed the cut to force the agency to disclose provider bids for consolidated health care.
Radio Story - The co-sponsor of the bill to pave the way for the planners of the new Cardinals' stadium says if the bill doesn't reach the House Floor within a week it doesn't stand much of a chance of passing.
4/ 4/2000:
Radio Story - Senator Larry Rohrbach says families are paying the high price for phone calls from loved ones in prison.
Radio Story - The Senate Pensions Committee voted on party lines to approve an exemption for tobacco money.
Radio Story - Senate Transportation Committee Chairman Danny Staples says he will not allow any license plate bills in his committee to reach the Senate floor in response to abortion debate over a "Respect Life" license plate.
Radio Story - Missouri House Democrats dominated a vote that blocked Republicans from making a single amendent to a bill. The bill creates a trust fund for the tobacco settlement money.
Radio Story - Harmon, Eagleton, and Danforth testified before a House committee Wednesday.
Radio Story - The bill gives legislators power to approve road and transportation funding plans.
2/ 8/2000:
Radio Story - A bill sponsored by Rep. Jim Froelker would reimburse seniors up to $1,000 annually.
2/ 8/2000:
Radio Story - St. Louis Mayor Clarence Harmon and former U.S. Senators Tom Eagleton and Jack Danforth say downtown St. Louis needs the sales tax to survive.
2/ 8/2000:
Radio Story - Representative Rita Day sponsors a bill that would create a unversal health care plan.
2/ 3/2000:
Radio Story - Senator Harold Caskey says it's time to look at replacing property taxes as the way to fund schools.
2/ 2/2000:
Radio Story - Republicans say that the Democrats' plan is only a bandaid on a problem that needs a cure.
2/ 1/2000:
Radio Story - A bill proposed by St. Louis Senator William Clay Jr. would give new parents a 12-week leave.
Radio Story - The Missouri House gives first round approval to legislation setting up the tobacco trust fund with little opposition from Republicans.
Radio Story - Several members of the House Children and Families Committee are questioning a proposal by St. Charles Rep. Charles Gross to ban daycare on riverboat casinos.
Radio Story - Lieutenant Governor Candidate Joe Maxwell says that he is willing to give back funds raised before the Supreme Court's decision.
Radio Story - Both Senate and House Committees moved quickly this week to figure out what ought to happen to tobacco settlement money worth a projected 6.7 billion dollars.
Newspaper Story - The final State of the State address by Gov. Mel Carnahan ended with a serenade from children.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri State Appeal Court for the Eastern District held Monday that the state is the only one with a legitimate claim to its lawsuit against the tobacco companies. The City of St. Louis and other organizations and individuals can sue on their own, the court said.
Radio Story - Two joint resolutions would ask Missouri voters to roll back the requirement on passage of a school bond to a simple majority.
Radio Story - A bill proposed by Senator Harry Wiggins would eliminate state sales tax on purchases of coffins and caskets.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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