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Missouri Government News for Week of Sept. 27, 1999

More than half of St. Louis school students fail to graduate.

Missouri's Education Department reports that more than one-half of students in St. Louis city schools fail to graduate.

See our radio story for details.

The Supreme Court hears arguments on releasing video tape of a drunken legislator.

Missouri's Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a Jefferson City TV station's efforts to get police video tape of a legislator who had been arressted for drunken driving.

The case involves Rep. Mark Richardson, the House GOP leader at the time.

Lower courts had found the tape was not covered by the state's public records laws.

See our radio story for details.

Missouri's Highways Department appeals a decision to let the KKK cleanup highways.

Missouri's Highways Department says it will appeal a court decision that blocks the agency from refusing to allow the KKK to be a member of it's anti-litter, adopt-a-highway program.

The agency says it stands to lose a large amount of federal highway funds if the court decision stands.

See our package of radio stories for details.

Rain means nothing for Missouri

After one of the longest periods without rain in recent Missouri history, agricultural experts say this week's rain was too late.

They say it will do little to salvage crops for Missouri farmers.

See our radio storyor details.

Missouri joins a national investigation of banks.

Missouri has joined a national task force formed to investigate whether banks are selling information about their customers' spending habits and credit limits to marketing firms who use the information to generate sales.

The Attorney General's office met with attorneys general from other states in the task force to coordinate efforts for the inquiry.

See our newspaper story and our radio story for details.