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House let's Gov Carnahan's veto on criminal bill stand

September 15, 1999
By: Sakina Dewji
State Capital Bureau

JEFFERSON CITY - While Missouri's governor lost one veto-override vote in the House, he won another by inaction -- despite losing the vote.

The House on Wednesday let Gov. Mel Carnahan's veto on a criminal sentencing bill stand even though the Senate had voted to override it Wednesday.

But when the Senate's action was presented to the House, not one member rose to move for an override.

Carnahan had vetoed the bill because he said some offenders would be able to buy probation by contributing to a county law enforcement fund.

The legislation had been supported by several law enforcement officials as a means to ease prison over-crowding.

Under the bill, judges would have had more authority to offer non-violent offenders an alternative to incarceration in an effort to relieve the clogged prisons.