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Newspaper Story - Republicans learned today their control of the state Senate next year may last a mere three weeks.
11/ 9/2000:
Newspaper Story - Governor-elect Bob Holden did not rule out giving his vanquished opponent a job in his administration.
11/ 9/2000:
Newspaper Story - In her first public appearance since Tuesday's historic election, Jean Carnahan said she would consider a future run for the U.S. Senate if her first two years there are successful.
11/ 8/2000:
Newspaper Story - Missourians handed John Ashcroft a dubious historic honor Tuesday, making him the first senator ever defeated by a dead man.
11/ 8/2000:
Newspaper Story - Following Tuesday's elections, the Republicans will hold a partisan majority in the state Senate -- at least for a few weeks.
11/ 6/2000:
Newspaper Story - Statewide races Missourians will vote in on Tuesday include tight, historical contests.
11/ 2/2000:
Newspaper Story - Profile on the leading candidates for the U.S. Senate race.
11/ 1/2000:
Newspaper Story - Profiles of Missouri's two leading candidates for governor.
11/ 1/2000:
Newspaper Story - Profiles of Missouri's two leading candidates for governor.
11/ 1/2000:
Newspaper Story - Profiles of Missouri's two leading candidates for governor.
Newspaper Story - The GOP touted John Ashcroft as the more experienced candidate Monday after Jean Carnahan announced she would accept a U.S. Senate appointment.
Newspaper Story - Jean Carnahan said she will announce whether she will accept a proffered U.S. Senate seat Monday.
Newspaper Story - Profile of the campaign managers for Missouri's gubernatorial candidates
Newspaper Story - Sen. John Ashcroft unpacked food at a Jefferson City food pantry for as long as the TV cameras rolled -- about 12 minutes.
Newspaper Story - Republicans decried as illegal and unfair Gov. Roger Wilson's announcement that he would appoint Jean Carnahan to the U.S. Senate.
Newspaper Story - Amid swelling support for Jean Carnahan to replace her husband in the race for U.S. Senate, Gov. Roger Wilson has called a news conference for Tuesday morning "to discuss matters involving" the Senate race.
Newspaper Story - Remembrance speeches at Carnahan's memorial service laced with political undertones.
Newspaper Story - Thousands of Missourians braved long lines and unusual heat to briefly walk by Gov. Mel Carnahan's flag-draped casket.
Newspaper Story - A memorial service will be held Friday for Gov. Mel Carnahan at a capitol where he spent almost two decades of his adult life.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Roger Wilson is slowly moving into the governor's office.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Mel Carnahan's legacy secure through his education record.
Newspaper Story - Lieutenant Governor Roger Wilson was appointed acting governor after a plane believed to be carrying Gov. Mel Carnahan crashed.
Newspaper Story - The tragic plane crash that claimed the life of Missouri's governor and two others almost claimed the life of a journalist covering the governor's campaign.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Mel Carnahan and Sen. John Ashcroft debated for the second time Sunday.
Newspaper Story - Through his more aggressive style, Gov. Mel Carnahan controlled much of the content of the second debate in Missouri's Senate race.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's major candidates for governor each reported still having more than $2 million to spend.
Newspaper Story - The Democratic candidate for Missouri governor links his opponent to Newt Gingrich in their second debate.
Newspaper Story - Missouri police and prosecutors praised Carnahan's record on meth but said some changes in the law were needed.
10/ 5/2000:
Newspaper Story - The educational background of Missouri's gubernatorial candidates reflect the differences in their education policies.
10/ 2/2000:
Newspaper Story - The state Republican party's spokesman resigned Monday more than a week after he compared State Auditor Claire McCaskill to "a cheap hooker."
Newspaper Story - Sen. John Ashcroft for the third straight day has not commented on the now infamous "cheap hooker" comment.
Newspaper Story - GOP candidate for governor Jim Talent said he would not seek Daryl Duwe's termination after Duwe compared State Auditor Claire McCaskill to "a cheap hooker."
Newspaper Story - After the state's GOP spokesman compared State Auditor Claire McCaskill to a "cheap hooker," the Missouri Democratic Party's top official called on Republican leaders Tuesday to sack the flak.
Newspaper Story - Change versus continuity was the major theme in the first debate by the leading candidates for Missouri governor.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Democratic party has called on Sen. John Ashcroft to return money Bob Jones University gave him after a speech at the campus last year.
Newspaper Story - Democratic chief Roy Temple filed a formal complaint with the U.S. Senate Ethics committee saying Ashcroft could benefit financially from a bill he is sponsoring.
Newspaper Story - GOP gubernatorial candidate Jim Talent shifted his bid's focus from highways to education.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Senate race is among the most watched in the nation because the two main candidates are established names with large war chests. Nonetheless, the two small party candidates say they can win.
Newspaper Story - The debate over methamphetamine in Missouri's Senate race conitnued on the steps of the Capitol Monday.
9/ 1/2000:
Newspaper Story - Though mostly below the surface, religion has assumed a major role in Missouri's Senate race.
Newspaper Story - Democratic lawmakers, police officers and prosecutors Thursday refuted a John Ashcroft ad depicting Gov. Mel Carnahan as soft on methamphetamine.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Mel Carnahan, a Baptist Deacon, said Monday he has read "very little" Playboy.
Newspaper Story - An attorney for the Missouri Broadcaster's Association said Larry Rice's gubernatorial opponents could claim free air time on Rice's broadcast outlets.
Newspaper Story - State Democratic leaders reject the idea of some early Senate Democratic members to preserve Democratic control of the Senate.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri legislature closed its most unproductive session in anyone's memory Friday with each party blaming the other for the malaise.
Newspaper Story - Staying in tune with the session's theme, the Missouri General Assembly killed more major bills Friday than it approved.
Newspaper Story - The House finally passed the BAC bill after debating and amending it for hours. The Senate kept up the ways of stagnation by tabling a proposal to give doctors and patients the right to sue an HMO.
Newspaper Story - The Senate's top Democratic leader drops legislation to allocate tobacco settlement funds after the Senate tacks on a ban on giving the money to abortion providers or referrers.
5/ 9/2000:
Newspaper Story - In a day that actually brought action to the legislature, the Assembly sent the governor bills creating a crime of domestic violence and spending billions on highways.
5/ 8/2000:
Newspaper Story - House approval of an open meetings bill highlights legislative action on the first day of its last week for 2000.
Newspaper Story - Three top budget and education lawmakers said Thursday there is no impending legislation that would thust post-tenure review on the University of Missouri system
Newspaper Story - Former U.S. Attorney and current top prosecutor in John Danforth's Waco probe is cleared in Justice Department inquiry into his actions against Missouri's concealed weapon's inquiry.
The Missouri House voted 127-34 to override Gov. Mel Carnahan's veto and ban partial birth abortion.
Newspaper Story - An expert on term limits told a panel of lawmakers that the limits will shift the balance of power toward the governor.
Newspaper Story - Agreement is reached on a tax bill that both the governor's office and a key GOP leader endorse.
Newspaper Story - On the wave of his contribution to the legislative session's two biggest issues, Senator Ken Jacob ascends to the level of major player in the Missouri Senate.
Newspaper Story - The governor threatens to veto the legislative pension bill and attacks lawmakers.
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers sent bills to the Governor to raise retirement benefits, ban some types of abortions, and delay tax relief
5/ 6/1999:
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers sent a bill to the governor that makes it harder for Planned Parenthood to receive state family planning funds.
5/ 5/1999:
Newspaper Story - A wrap-up of Wednesday's legislative action.
5/ 4/1999:
Newspaper Story - The partial-birth-abortion filibuster in the State Senate passed the 30 hour mark amid historical rarity and bizarre events.
Newspaper Story - If Columbia is looking for help in its fight against urban sprawl, it may come from the state legislature.
Newspaper Story - Catching a fish would no longer put you at risk of being a felon, if Gov. Mel Carnahan signs a bill changing last November's cock-fighting ban.
Newspaper Story - Rep. Wayne Crump's bill to restrict federal land purchases passes the House.
Newspaper Story - Not two weeks after voters rejected concealed weapons, a bill was introduced that would prohibit cities and counties from suing the gun industry.
4/ 7/1999:
Newspaper Story - A joint resolution passed the House Elections Committee that would repeal voter-approved term limits.
Newspaper Story - Urban Democratic legislators met to denounce the NRA's heavy spending in the Proposition B campaign.
Newspaper Story - Senator Kit Bond sent a letter to US Attorney General Janet REno requesting an investigation into Missouri's US Attorneys' use of federal funds to campaign against Prop B.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's two US Attorneys have used taxpayer money to campaign against prop B. Justice Department declines detailed comment.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's two US attorneys are using Department of Justice facilities to lobby against Proposition B, the concealed weapons proposal.
Newspaper Story - Some lawmakers want to require the federal government to get legislature approval before purchasing land in Missouri.
3/ 3/1999:
Newspaper Story - Legislature moving toward repealing law that required Department of Health to notify landlords three days in advance of inspection.
Newspaper Story - Department of Conservation is looking into bringing elk back to Missouri.
Newspaper Story - Anti-abortion legislators asked a state attorney to request the U.S. Court of Appeals to require Planned Parenthood to return family planning funds.
Newspaper Story - House leaders want to change the referendum procedure as it realtes to conservation issues to a 2/3 majority rather than a simple one.
2/ 9/1999:
Newspaper Story - Senate Retirement committee pushes bill to the legislature that will establish a fund to hold the tobacco settlement money while it decides what to do with it.
2/ 3/1999:
Newspaper Story - The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals threw out Planned Parenthood's lawsuit to receive a portion of state family planning funds.
Newspaper Story - Columbia legislators comment on Gov. Carnahan's state of the state address.
Newspaper Story - Attorney General Jay Nixon filed a lawsuit against the state's largest hog farm charging violations of the state's environmental laws.
Newspaper Story - Special House committee recommends that a fifty cent fee on tire sales be extended through 2004. The fee funds tire waste clean up throughout the state.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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