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Proposed Bill Encourages Comany Day Care

January 30, 1997
January 29, 1997
By: Jennifer Horton

State Capital Bureau Topping Missouri's child support committee's agenda is a bill that encourages easier access to child care. Jennifer Horton has the story from Jefferson City.

Story:Jennifer Horton
OutCue: SOC
Kansas City Representative Mary Bland introduced a bill encouraging businesses to make affordable day care available to employees.

The bill allows companies to claim up to $100,000 in tax exemption for providing day care.

Representative Pat Dougherty says the bill will help many single parents forced to find work under new federal welfare laws.

OutCue: "year"
Contents: We heard it first this year so it will get through the system.

The bill also requires companies to allow employees to pay for the child care on a sliding compensate for lower salaries.

From Jefferson City, I'm Jennifer Horton for KMOX news.