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Missouri Digital News
Mo. Digital News
Missouri Digital News
Food Tax Cut Approved
February 8, 1996 By: Jack Dolan State Capital Bureau
The House Ways and Means Committee voted unanimously to reduce sales tax on groceries, Jack Dolan reports from Jefferson City.
A proposal to reduce sales tax on groceries should be on the House floor soon, but the perameters of the plan can be confusing.
House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Ken Jacobs said a ham and mustard sandwich bought at a grocery store deli, would be taxed at the normal rate. Jacobs added:
Under the proposal the tax on groceries would drop from three cents per dollar down to three quarters of a penny.
From Jefferson City, I'm Jack Dolan.
The proposed cut would effect items already listed in the Federal Food Stamp Act. From Jefferson City, I'm Jack Dolan.
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