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Safe Schools Bill Ready for Senate Debate

April 16, 1996
By: Adam Levine
State Capital Bureau

Safe Schools bill changed at the hands of the Senate Education Committee. Adam Levine has the story from Jefferson City.

Story: Adam Levine
OutCue: SOC

The Senate Education Committee passed through the Safe Schools bill with a few amendments. Allowing schools to honor or negate suspensions of new students was one. Another amendment reduced the criminal charge of a false bomb threat to a misdemeanor. Funding for alternative education was expanded to include after school, summer and latch-key programs. Senator Joe Maxwell stressed the importance of having alternative schools.

Actuality: Joe Maxwell
OutCue: "...
Contents: [59K WAV file - Maxwell says simply because we remove a child from one school district doesn't mean the state loses its responsibility to educate that child.]

An amendment to change the mandatory age for school attendance from 16 to 18 years old was struck down.

The bill will next return to the Senate floor for consideration.

From the State Capitol, I'm Adam Levine.