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Liquor bill lets St. Louis bars open earlier on Sunday

May 7, 1996
By: Candyce Clifft
State Capital Bureau

St. Louis tailgaters won't have to bring their own booze if the governor signs a bill passed by the Senate. Candyce Clifft has that story from the capitol...
OutCue: SOC

The bill, on its way to the governor's desk, would allow restaurants in the Lacleve Landing area to open at 8 a-m on Sundays. This means sports fans could start their drinking earlier without having to bring their own liquor. Proponent Bill McKenna says the bill gets people out of the parking lots and into the businesses.

Senator Harold Caskey says the bill is anti-church...

Actuality: Caskey
OutCue: over the church goers.
Contents: Caskey says the bill would put drunks on the street earlier, so they could run over the church-goers.

After much opposition, the bill passed the Senate by a 20 to 12 margin. From the state capitol, Candyce Clifft, KMOX News.