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Mo. Digital News
Missouri Digital News
November Ballot Issues
Official Ballot Descriptions
Source: Missouri Secretary of State's Office
Amendment 3
Shall there be an annual transfer of a percentage of the funds in the general revenue fund to the "Facilities Maintenance Reserve Fund" for the purpose of maintenance, repair and renovation of state facilities? This proposal would result in the transfer of approximately $5,400,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Facilities Maintenance Reserve Fund. No impact to local governments.
Amendment 5
Shall the constitution of the state of Missouri be amended to create a state department of aging within the executive branch of state government? State administrative costs to implement this proposal are unknown but subject to state appropriations. No local costs are anticipated.
Amendment 6
Shall municipalities, upon voter approval, be authorized to issue bonds to build revenue producing sewer treatment plants and shall water plants be removed from regulation as a public utility? The proposal would have no fiscal impact on state government. Its impact on local government would depend upon actions of local voters.
Amendment 7
Shall a "Budget Stabilization Fund", also known as the "rainy day fund" be created in the state treasury to provide an operating reserve in years where revenue projections are below expectations? This proposal would not directly affect any state or local taxes. State funds could be redistributed.
Amendment 8
Shall Article IV Sections 47(a), 47(b) and 47(c) of the Missouri Constitution be amended to extend for ten years the sales and use tax of one-tenth of one percent for use in accordance with state law by the Department of Natural Resources for soil and water conservation and for the acquisition, development, maintenance, and operation of state parks and historic sites and for payments in lieu of real property taxes for land acquired by the state for park purposes? The ten year sales tax extension would raise approximately $70 million annually to halt soil erosion and continue to maintain state parks. No tax increase.
Amendment 9
Shall Article VIII of the Missouri Constitution be amended to provide that Missourians intend this initiative lead to adoption of an amendment to the United States Constitution establishing Congressional term limits and further amend Article VIII to provide the Secretary of State shall determine and inform voters on election ballots whether candidates for Congress support Congressional term limits by printing adjacent to incumbent candidates who failed to support Congressional term limits "DISREGARDED VOTERS' INSTRUCTION ON TERM LIMITS" and printing adjacent to non-incumbent candidates who refuse to take a term limits pledge "DECLINED TO PLEDGE TO SUPPORT TERM LIMITS?" The taxpayers of Missouri will have costs of over $40,000 per year to track records of candidates and county election authorites will have increased costs for printing ballots. Does not include costs of possible litigation.
Note: The last two sentences (in italics) were removed from the ballot description by action of the Missouri Supreme Court on Oct. 18. The court held that the Joint Committee on Legislative Research, which adopted the "fiscal note" did not have constitutional authority to put fiscal notes on the ballot.
Proposition A
Shall Sections 290.500 and 290.502, RSMo 1994 be amended to: require all employers, except as otherwise provided in Sections 290.500 to 290.530, RSMo 1994, to pay their employees an hourly minimum wage of no less than $6.25 as of January 1, 1997; $6.50 as of January 1, 1998; $6.75 as of January 1, 1999; and beginning January 1, 2000, an additional fifteen cents per year thereafter; expand the statutory definition of "employee"; permit the legislature or any municipality to raise or expand minimum wage coverage; and provide for severability of any provision or application of the measure held invalid? Total state administrative costs will rise in excess of $100,000,000 annually by 2000. Local government costs are expected to rise in excess of $1,000,000 annually. Revenue loss due to job loss may be significant.
Note: The last three sentences (in italics) were removed from the ballot description by action of the Cole County Circuit Court on Oct 22. The court's decision followed the Supreme Court decision on Amendment 9 which held that the Joint Committee on Legislative Research, which adopted the "fiscal note" did not have constitutional authority to put fiscal notes on the ballot.
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