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FY 1996 Missouri Budget
1996 Fiscal Year (July 1, 1995 to June 30, 1996)
In Millions of Dollars

From House Budget Staff

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All Funds
Agencies FY 1995 Approp. Governor's Rec. Legislature Passed Percent Increase
Corrections 251.8 295.4 295.9 17.3%
Elected Officals 55.1 61.7 60.2 12.0%
Mental Health 531.5 592.8 595.5 11.5%
Payment on bonds 170.7 190.2 190.2 11.4%
Courts 100.2 110.6 112.8 10.4%
Conservation 84.5 91.1 91.1 7.8%
Primary Education 2,946.0 3,170.8 3,175.2 7.6%
Higher Education 726.4 775.7 763.2 6.8%
Natural Resources 253.6 269.3 247.1 6.2%
Social Services 3,603.3 3,821.3 3,822.0 6.1%
Agriculture 33.7 35.6 36.2 5.6%
Admin. Office 506.4 515.6 518.4 1.8%
Transportation 958.1 959.3 994.2 0.1%
Health 248.1 243.5 263.6 -1.9%
Revenue 1,128.6 1,098.3 1,098.3 -2.7%
Insurance 10.2 9.9 9.9 -2.8%
Legislature 26.5 25.4 25.9 -4.3%
Labor 179.5 168.3 168.4 -6.3%
Public Safety 255.7 204.7 209.3 -20.0%
Economic Dev. 335.9 212.5 214.5 -36.7%
$12,405.6 $12,851.7 $12,891.9 3.6%
General Revenue
Agencies FY 1995 Approp. Governor's Rec. Legislature Passed Percent Increase
Corrections 217.1 261.7 262.2 20.5%
Labor 2.7 3.2 3.3 17.4%
Agriculture 9.8 11.1 11.7 13.0%
Payment on bonds 89.6 101.1 101.1 12.9%
Social Services 739.4 803.7 801.1 8.7%
Revenue 528.9 565.1 565.0 6.8%
Natural Resources 9.2 9.8 10.2 6.8%
Courts 97.2 103.4 103.2 6.3%
Elected Officals 35.6 37.5 35.7 5.1%
Mental Health 402.0 422.3 501.0 5.1%
Higher Education 630.0 654.0 651.0 3.8%
Admin. Office 321.2 331.1 332.1 3.1%
Primary Education 1,993.4 2,030.9 2,039.0 1.9%
Economic Dev. 35.9 36.3 38.8 1.0%
Transportation 4.2 4.2 6.7 0.5%
Conservation 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0%
Legislature 26.2 25.0 25.2 -4.3%
Health 42.6 36.8 44.1 -13.7%
Public Safety 41.3 34.2 34.7 -17.2%
Insurance 0.2 0.1 0.1 -74.8%
$5,226.6 $5,471.3 $5,566.2 4.7%

See Past Budgets: